Local democracy

Decision details


Decision Maker: Bradford District Licensing Panel

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That having considered all valid representations made by the parties to the hearing; valid written representations received during the statutory period; the published statement of licensing policy and relevant statutory guidance, the panel grants the application, in part, subject to the following hours of licensable activity:


Monday to Wednesday                             1100 to 2300

Thursday to Saturday                               1100 to midnight

Sunday                                                         1200 to 2230


Reason – To prevent noise disturbance and nuisance to residents in the vicinity of the premises – Prevention of Public Nuisance Objective.


 (Melanie McGurk – 01274 431873)


Report author: Melanie McGurk

Publication date: 06/04/2017

Date of decision: 04/04/2017

Decided at meeting: 04/04/2017 - Bradford District Licensing Panel

Accompanying Documents: