Local democracy


Public Footpath 70 Ilkley, Menston Railway Station, Menston. Public Path (Diversion) Order 2022

Purpose of the consultation

Notice of Public Path Order


Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - Section 257


City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council


Public Footpath 70 Ilkley, Menston Railway Station, Menston


Public Path (Diversion) Order 2022


The above Order made on 16th August 2022 under section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 will divert the length of Public Footpath 70 Ilkley, Menston Station, Menston marked between points A–B–C-D by a bold black line shown on the Order map ref: 66666/T269ILK70/Order Plan annexed to the Order and create an alternative footpath to a line shown by bold black dashes marked between points A-E–F-C-D on the Order map.


A copy of the Order and the Order map may be viewed at Customer Services Centre, ground floor, Britannia House on the corner of Broadway and Bridge Street, Bradford, during office hours. Electronic copies are available via rightsofway@bradford.gov.uk. Copies of the Order and map may be purchased.


Any representations about or objections to the Order may be sent or delivered in writing addressed to the Interim Head of Legal & Governance, Legal & Democratic Services, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Bradford, BD1 1HY or by e-mail to legalobjections@bradford.gov.uk to be received no later than 12 noon on Friday 30th September 2022 quoting reference:- CORP/PCD/AK/411927 and representors or objectors are requested to state the grounds on which their representation or objection is made. 


If no representations or objections are duly made to the Order, or to any part of it, or if any so made are withdrawn, the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, instead of submitting the Order to the Secretary of State (or part of it if the authority has by notice to the Secretary of State so elected under paragraph 5 of Schedule 15 to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981) may itself confirm the Order (or that part of the Order).  If the Order is submitted to the Secretary of State for the Environment, any representations or objections which have been duly made and not withdrawn will be sent with it.



DATED this 25th day of August 2022



Interim Head of Legal & Governance

Legal and Democratic Services

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

City Hall




Supporting documents