Local democracy


Footpath off St Ives Street, Shipley - Public Path (Diversion) Order

Purpose of the consultation

Notice of Public Path Order


Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - Section 257


City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council


Unrecorded Public Footpath (Shipley) off Ives Street, Shipley Bradford


Public Path (Diversion) Order 2021



On 27th January 2022, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council confirmed the above Order.


The effect of the Order as confirmed is to divert that portion of Public Footpath which commences at point A on Ives Street in a generally southerly direction for 45 metres to point B and create an alternative footpath known as Public Footpath 55 (Shipley) running from point A in an easterly and generally southerly direction for approximately 47 metres to point B as shown on the Order Plan 66666/T263.


A copy of the Order as confirmed and Order plan may be examined below or obtained by email to rightsofway@bradford.gov.uk. Copies of the Order and plan may be purchased.


The Order became operative on 14th February 2022, but if a person aggrieved by the Order desires to question the validity thereof, or of any provision contained therein, on the ground that it is not within the powers of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 or on the ground that any requirement of that Act or of any regulation made thereunder has not been complied with in relation of the Order he may, under Section 287 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 within six weeks from 3rd February 2022 make an application to the High Court.



Dated this 3rd day of February 2022



City Solicitor

Legal and Democratic Services

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

City Hall



Supporting documents