Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Director of Public Health (Document “A”) provides an update on the intention of the Department of Health and Wellbeing to procure Public Health 0-19 Children’s Service (currently Health Visiting, School Nursing and Oral Health services) with the development of a new service specification and to procure the service through a competitive tender process. The procured Public Health 0-19 Children’s Service will be integrated and co-located as part of the wider Prevention and Early Help model, across the four locality footprint.


The report provides compliance with Council Contract Standing Orders (CSOs) 2017/18  through which the Authorised Officer must, before inviting tenders or quotations for contracts with a total estimated contract value in excess of £2m, report details to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Recommended –


(1)     That it be acknowledged that the Public Health 0-19 Children’s Service, namely Health Visiting, School Nursing and Oral Health, will proceed with the development of a new service specification.


(2)     That procurement will commence with an indicative timeline of tender issue in July/August  2018 through a competitive tender process and a new service in place by mid year 2019 be noted


(Ruksana Sardar-Akram – 01274 432767)


The report of the Director of Public Health (Document “A”) provided an update on the intention of the Department of Health and Wellbeing to procure a Public Health 0-19 Children’s Service (currently Health Visiting, School Nursing and Oral Health services) with the development of a new service specification and to procure the service through a competitive tender process. The procured Public Health 0-19 Children’s Service will be integrated and co-located as part of the wider Prevention and Early Help model, across the four locality footprint.


The report provided compliance with Council Contract Standing Orders (CSOs) 2017/18  through which the Authorised Officer must, before inviting tenders or quotations for contracts with a total estimated contract value in excess of £2m, report details to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Commissioning Team Manager provided an overview of the information contained in Document “A”, during which she highlighted that the changes to the Public Health 0-19 Children’s Service had been included in the Prevention and Early Help model which had been approved by Executive on 3 April 2018; three events had been held with the market; following feedback from the market a contract length of four years (with an optional extension of 2 x 1 year period) had been determined; and the intention was to go out to tender in July 2018.


The Chair stated that she was aware of a pending national campaign which had been brought to the attention of MPs in the District in relation to women with post natal depression, in order to tackle the stigma around the subject.  She queried whether officers were aware of it.  In response it was stated that the CCGs were aware and doing more to tackle it was a strategic goal for them.  Members were also informed that, in addition to the five mandated health checks, there would be an additional three to four month contact for maternal mood assessment.


A Member asked whether it would be possible to avidly seek local contractors before widening the search nationally.  In response, it was stated that the tender would be open to everyone, however there had been a lot of local interest as well as high interest from the community and voluntary sector and although they would not be able bid for the full contract due to its size, there was an opportunity to work with other smaller bidders to submit a joint bid.  Members were also informed that there was a new Social Value Policy that would account for 10% of the overall scoring.  The Scrutiny Lead officer stated that she would circulate a briefing note to Members regarding the Social Value Act.


Members were informed that the main risk identified was that if a suitable provider was not found the current contract would be out of provision, however, this was deemed highly unlikely given the level of interest in the contract so far.


A discussion took place about the exchange of digital information and Members were informed that NHS Digital were commissioning a piece of work to enable the exchange of information across a number of systems.  SystmOne was currently the GP preferred system and bidders would need to demonstrate how they would exchange information with that system, in real time as much as possible, whether it be with the use of SystmOne or another compatible system.


A Member raised concern that only the Toller, Bradford Moor and Little Horton wards were cited in Appendix 1 to Document “A” in relation to higher than national averages for tooth decay in five year olds.  He stated that a recent report had also included the Bowling and Barkerend and Tong wards and he queried whether they would also be included.  In response, the Commissioning Team Manager assured Members that as part of the oral health improvement programme, the service would constantly be reacting to the areas of greatest need and the information would be updated.


A Member stated that the language used in the ‘summary of key findings for consultation on Health Visiting Services’ within Appendix 1 was very subjective and he questioned the need to make changes to the service and what lessons had been learned from contracts that had been given to other external providers.  In response, whilst acknowledging that the information from the findings via the service were not great, the primary focus was to consider the evidence base.  Members were also informed that there was a legal requirement to re-commission the service and that the re-design was part of the wider changes which would see staff efficiencies.  Two large contracts had been commissioned in relation to Sexual Health and Substance Misuse and the performance outcomes had been good in relation to Sexual Health; the Substance Misuse contract was fairly new and there was no data on it as yet but officers were working very closely with the contractor and had found them to be very responsive.


Members were informed that although the Family Nurse Partnership service had ceased, some parts of the provision were still continuing through Better Start Bradford.  Staff from the service had been retained. 


Resolved –


(1)     That the Committee notes that the Public Health 0-19 Children’s Service, namely Health Visiting, School Nursing and Oral Health, will proceed with the development of a new service specification.


(2)     That the Committee notes that procurement will commence with an indicative timeline of tender issue in July/August  2018 through a competitive tender process and a new service in place by mid year 2019.


(3)     That a report on the 0-19 Children’s Service be submitted to the Committee during the 2019/2020 Municipal Year.


ACTION: Director of Public Health

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