Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director of Children’s Services will submit Document “AA” which presents the revised proposed model for the restructuring of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Specialist Teaching Support Services for children and young people with SEND to improve their educational outcomes.


Recommended –


That the details of Document “AA” be noted and commented upon.


(Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee)

(Judith Kirk – 01274 439255)


The Strategic Director of Children’s Services submitted Document “AA” which presented the revised proposed model for the restructuring of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Specialist Teaching Support Services for children and young people with SEND to improve their educational outcomes.


The Strategic Manager, Early Years was in attendance at the meeting and explained the financial pressures on the High Needs Block following changes to the National Funding Formula which the government was introducing from April 2018.  She outlined the proposed preferred option (option 3) which had two elements:


·         The creation of an integrated 0-25 years high incidence/high occurring SEND teaching support service to support children and young people who have autism, additional learning needs and difficulties and social and emotional and mental health needs;


·         The creation of a new low incidence/low occurring  0-25 years SEND Teaching Support Service to support children and young people with hearing impairment, visual impairment, multi-sensory impairment and physical and medical needs.


She explained that this preferred option would align to the four localities proposed in the Prevention and Early Help model which was also out for consultation and would see efficiencies in terms of service support and administration.  There would be a single referral system and two operative teams as outlined above.  The financial modelling for this option was based on a 70% funded model from the High Needs Block and 30% on an income generated model through selling some of their services to schools.


The Chair referred to a recent presentation to the Committee on the proposals for Early Help services and welcomed again the proposed improvements in joined up working and the move away from services working in silos.  He asked whether there would be one point of contact for service users.  In response, the Strategic Manager, Early Years stated that a child would need to be assessed initially by a specialist to determine their needs.  The Chair stressed the need to keep parents fully informed of the process and to also provide Councillors with a named contact.


In response to Members’ questions, it was reported that:


·         Schools had a statutory obligation to provide the service for children placed in them and the local authority had an obligation in supporting schools.

·         The proposal was for additional support services for schools.  It was up to schools whether they chose to buy it from the Council.

·         The results of a recent survey had shown that schools valued the service currently being provided, rated it highly and would continue to use it.

·         A scoping exercise was taking place to determine the demand with regard to selling the services to other local authorities.

·         The Schools Forum had previously decided to stop top slicing the schools budget which had previously topped up the High Needs Block which had led to these proposals being considered.

·         The proposal related to retaining specialist teachers that schools could call on and refer to for assistance for children with SEND.

·         There would be more staff in the proposed high incidence service than the low incidence service.

·         There were approximately 19,000 children with SEND across the District. 


During the discussion Members were informed that there were some local authorities that operated a 100% income generation model.  It was agreed that the names of those authorities would be circulated to Members after the meeting for information.


With regard to the large increase in the number of referrals for Education, Health and Care assessments as outlined in paragraph 2.3 of the report, it was explained that this was due to the growing population of young people in the District and the increase in relation to children with complex needs.  It was agreed that figures in relation to the number of children with SEND, comparable local authorities, maps showing the levels and types of needs across the District and the overall funding amounts for Bradford, including national funding, would be circulated to Members after the meeting.


A discussion took place about the service investigating options to make the referral process digital.  Members were informed that if this was pursued, it would be commissioned externally.


A Member raised concerns about skills within the District being lost as a result of the proposed changes. 


Resolved –


(1)That the details of Document “AA” be noted.


(2)That the following comments be included as the Committee’s response to the consultation:


(i)            That trading with other organisations should not cause detriment to our service delivery and, most importantly, Bradford young citizens.


(ii)          That robust monitoring be undertaken where the authority does not provide the service.


(iii)         That ‘not working in silos’ be welcomed.


(iv)         That there be a key named contact for parents/guardians and Councillors.


(v)          That consideration be given to a fall-back plan if there is no/little uptake on the 30% income generation target and the implications in case of a skills drain.


(vi)         That a digital platform be welcomed and all methods of delivery be investigated.


(vii)       That graduate training be explored for on-going provision.



ACTION: Strategic Director, Children’s Services

Supporting documents: