Local democracy

Agenda item


Previous reference: Minute 25 (2021/22)


The report of the Strategic Director, Place, (Document “N”) provides information on the Capital Highway Maintenance funding element of the Local Transport Plan for 2023/24 and makes recommendations on the allocation for Non-Classified road resurfacing schemes and Surface Dressing sites in the Keighley constituency.


Recommended –


That the proposed list of schemes for 2023/24 as shown in Appendices 2 and 3 to Document “N” be approved.


(Andy Fisher - 01535 618297)


The report of the Strategic Director, Place, (Document “N”) provided information on the Capital Highway Maintenance funding element of the Local Transport Plan for 2023/24 and made recommendations on the allocation for Non-Classified road resurfacing schemes and Surface Dressing sites in the Keighley constituency.


Appended to the report (Appendix 1) was a summary of the resurfacing schemes completed and those outstanding from the 2022/23 approved list. Appendix 2 contained the recommended list of Non-Classified resurfacing schemes for the 2023/24 municipal year.  A recommended list of Surface Dressing sites for the 2023/24 year was attached as Appendix 3.


Members were advised that the varying types and classifications of roads were surveyed annually using standardised survey and video equipment.  The sites chosen for inclusion were those that were shown to be in most need of repair following in-house and third party condition analysis and listed in priority order.  The analysis was supplemented with routine site monitoring by officers.  The roads that were known to have suffered increased deterioration due to the ageing process and recent winter weather conditions were also considered when formulating annual scheme lists.


A Member referred to Kings Road in Ilkley, which was included on the reserve list, being in a worse condition than a scheme on the priority list and requested that a substitution be made.  The status of the schemes on the reserve list were questioned and it was reported that it was expected works at those sites would be on the priority list for consideration in the next municipal year and beyond, bearing in mind the current number of schemes on the priority list.


Concern was expressed that the lists were compiled without consideration of the effects of an inclement winter and the resulting pot holes appearing in the roads.  It was explained that schemes could be moved onto priority lists if they had worsened but that there were other methods, such as surface patching, to deal with potholes, not just resurfacing. 


In response to questions it was confirmed that the most recent third party survey of roads was conducted in July 2022.  Following suggestions that the survey be conducted at other times of the year it was explained that it was hoped to do the survey in May 2023.  The survey was dependant on contractor availability and had been conducted later in the year than usual in 2022 to give the opportunity for identification of Ash Die-back disease by the arboriculture team.  In formulating the annual schemes lists, it was also necessary to consider results of the annual skid survey which highlighted roads with poor skidding resistance.


Following discussions about the priorities it was confirmed that the lists were compiled in priority order from the annual survey and officer inspections but that priority could also be influenced by factors such as the location of schools, the number of properties served, traffic volumes, number of HGV’s, etc.


A Member referred to the recent resurfacing on Harewood Crescent and the marked deterioration in that location in a very short period of time. He referred to the condition of Station Road/Victoria Road and it was confirmed that those sites were included in the lists for consideration.


Following requests that warning signs be erected prior to the closure of roads for treatment Members were assured that two weeks prior to road closures warning signs were erected.


The process for reporting pothole repairs was discussed and Members were reminded to use the Council Contact Centre to make reports so that these were sent direct to the operational teams carrying out the works. 


It was questioned why only two streets in the Keighley Central ward were contained on the priority list and it was re-iterated that the lists were compiled from analysis of risk and those in the worst condition would be treated first. 


In response to questions about treatment at Rupert Street off Lawkholme Lane it was confirmed that patching for that location had been ordered.


Resolved –


That, with amendments at Appendix 2 to replace Hebers Ghyll Drive, Ilkley, on the priority list with Kings Road, Ilkley, and with Kings Road, Ilkley being placed on the reserve list, the proposed list of schemes for 2023/24 as shown in Appendices 2 and 3 to Document “N” be approved.


Action: Strategic Director, Place


Supporting documents: