Local democracy

Agenda item


The Interim Strategic Director, Place, will present a report, (Document “G”) which provides an update on current casualty levels and trends in the Bradford District and on the Road Safety Education, Training and Publicity initiatives taking place across the Bradford Metropolitan District aimed at preventing casualties.


Recommended –


That the contents of the Document “G” be noted. 


(Becky James - 01274 437409 /07929 747447)



The Interim Strategic Director, Place, presented a report, (Document “G”) which provided an update on current casualty levels and trends in the Bradford District and on the Road Safety Education, Training and Publicity initiatives taking place across the Bradford Metropolitan District aimed at preventing casualties.


Appendices attached to the report included Road Traffic Casualty graphs and charts for the Bradford district and Road Traffic Casualty graphs and charts for the Keighley Constituency Area.


Also included were details of the West Yorkshire Safe Roads management structure; a summary of Education, Training and Publicity (ETP) programmes and resources for schools; engagement with schools in wards in Keighley constituency undertaken in the academic year 2021-22 and priority wards for engagement, in the Bradford District, in the academic year 2022-23.


Members queried if local driving instructors were consulted or involved in driving training and education and it was explained that this had happened in the past and could be considered again.  The Member agreed that officers could liaise with her if that would assist and explained that most areas had a Driver Instructor Association with meetings which officers would be able to attend.


It was questioned why Bradford had increased accident and casualty figures compared to Leeds and Members were assured that measures to understand those statistics were ongoing.  It was understood that there was a link between deprivation and road casualties and it was acknowledged that there were challenges in the Bradford area. 


A Member requested that a breakdown of child casualty rates in Keighley be provided.  In response he was advised that there was a danger, when considering small statistical groups, that individuals could be identified but it was agreed to request that information from the Principal Engineer. A breakdown of all casualties in the Keighley Central Ward was also requested.


The limited numbers of schools engaging in the Bikeability scheme was questioned.  It was explained that the Road Safety team co-ordinated that scheme but the training was delivered by self-employed instructors.  The team were trying to recruit to increase the pool of instructors but the sporadic nature of the role requirements had resulted in a national issue in recruiting to those posts.


Measures to allow members of the public to present footage of dangerous driving to the police were questioned and it was clarified that this could be sent from DashCam or other footage to the police who would review and take action as required. The police could also provide the Road Safety team with a breakdown of ensuing prosecutions.  It was agreed that details of that scheme could be provided in future reports. 


A Member questioned if qualitative data was collected to analyse the effectiveness of traffic calming measures in reducing accidents.  It was confirmed that the data relating to traffic calming schemes was compiled by other departments and that the Interim Strategic Director would request that information.


Comparisons between road traffic statistics were questioned and it was explained that particular issues in the Bradford district were the number of uninsured drivers and the use of seat belts.  Research was being undertaken to understand behaviours and how those could be changed.  The potential for speed cameras to record people not wearing seat belts was suggested and pilot schemes being undertaken in other areas of the country were reported.


Measures to communicate and engage with the public were queried together with measures used to design campaigns to address road safety issues occurring.  It was explained that once behaviours were understood the team would design interventions.  These could include education; community based initiatives; door knocking or social media campaigns.  The Covid pandemic had resulted in a decrease in traffic and once data for 2022 was available those statistics would be studied and appropriate initiatives developed. There was a lot of work to be conducted including educating people on the use of seat belts; mobile phones and speed awareness.


A Member referred to a ‘Pass Plus’ scheme which bolstered skills to make drivers be safer drivers once they had passed their practical test.  The scheme incurred a cost so was rarely taken up.  It was explained that some authorities had subsidised that scheme but that had not attracted the drivers it was felt needed that training.


In response to questions about the amount spent on traffic measures verses educational initiatives it was believed that both measures were vital.   Education on how to cross roads safely would be wasted in the infrastructure did not support that learning.


In conclusion the Interim Strategic Director acknowledged the local knowledge of Members and expressed a desire to work in partnership with them on road safety education and training in the area.


Resolved –


That the contents of the Document “G” be noted.


Action: Interim Strategic Director, Place

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