Local democracy

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 3 - City Hall, Bradford. View directions

Contact: Claire Tomenson 

No. Item



(Members Code of Conduct - Part 4A of the Constitution)


To receive disclosures of interests from members and co-opted members on matters to be considered at the meeting. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest.


An interest must also be disclosed in the meeting when it becomes apparent to the member during the meeting.




(1)       Members may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest or an interest which the Member feels would call into question their compliance with the wider principles set out in the Code of Conduct.  Disclosable pecuniary interests relate to the Member concerned or their spouse/partner.


(2)       Members in arrears of Council Tax by more than two months must not vote in decisions on, or which might affect, budget calculations, and must disclose at the meeting that this restriction applies to them.  A failure to comply with these requirements is a criminal offence under section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. 


(3)       Members are also welcome to disclose interests which are not disclosable pecuniary interests but which they consider should be made in the interest of clarity.


(4)       Officers must disclose interests in accordance with Council Standing Order 44.



No disclosures of interest in matters under consideration were received.




(Access to Information Procedure Rules – Part 3B of the Constitution)


Reports and background papers for agenda items may be inspected by contacting the person shown after each agenda item.  Certain reports and background papers may be restricted. 


Any request to remove the restriction on a report or background paper should be made to the relevant Strategic Director or Assistant Director whose name is shown on the front page of the report. 


If that request is refused, there is a right of appeal to this meeting. 


Please contact the officer shown below in advance of the meeting if you wish to appeal. 


(Claire Tomenson - 01274 432457)



There were no appeals submitted by the public to review decisions to restrict documents. 




The Strategic Director, Environment and Sport will present a report (Document “G”) that outlines an application for a variation to extend permitted hours for all licensable activities, to permit additional licensable activities (provision of films/performance of dance/provision of late night refreshment), extend the opening hours and attach an amended plan.


Members are invited to consider the information and documents referred to in Document “G” and, after hearing, individuals, bodies or businesses, determine the related application.


(Melanie McGurk – 01274 431873)

Additional documents:




Commenced: 1025

Adjourned:     1045

Reconvened: 1050

Concluded:    1055




Members of the Panel:


Bradford District Licensing Panel:Councillors M Slater (Chair),

Arshad Hussain and Morris


Parties to the Hearing:


Representing the Licensee:


Mr Taylor, Solicitor representing the Licensee

Ms Johnson, Area Manager




The licensing officer in attendance summarised the background to the application and valid representations received as set out in the report.  Members were informed that the Council’s Environmental Health Team had requested that additional conditions be placed on the application and these had been agreed with the applicant.  A representation had also been received from a local resident.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel and explained that the application requested a 2 hour extension to all licensable activities, which would enable the premises to trade until 0200 hours.  He confirmed that the additional hours would provide greater flexibility and they would only be used on weekends, Bank Holidays and for private functions.  There was no intention for them to be used 7 days per week.  The Craft Union Pub Company Ltd was part of Enterprise Inns and all premises operated the same policies and procedures.  It was noted that there had not been any issues since the company had taken over the management in July 2016.  Members were informed that the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) operated a dispersal policy, which involved him being present in the public areas on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening to ensure that customers left the premises quietly.  A Noise Management Policy was in place which stipulated that the DPS was responsible to stop noise disturbance outside the premises.  Other policies such as the provision of a CCTV system, incident reporting and Challenge 25 were also mandatory.  The applicant’s agent reported that independent test purchasing was undertaken and a refusals register was maintained.  He stated that responsible authorities had not submitted any representations, with the exception of the Council’s Environmental Health Team and their suggested conditions had been accepted.  In relation to the objection received from a local resident, it was reported that their property was not as close to the Midland Hotel as others who had not submitted a complaint and the issue raised had occurred prior to Craft Union Pub Company Ltd taking over the premises.  It was noted that no complaints had been received since August 2016 and music had not been played outside the premises on the Bank Holiday.


In response to Members’ queries the applicant’s representative confirmed that:


·        The premises operated a Challenge 25 policy.

·        There was not a condition on the premises licence that required a CCTV system, however, a digital system had been installed that stored the information for 28 days.

·        The external drinking area was located above ground floor level, as the building was sited on a slope.

·        The rear yard was used as a car park.

·        Door staff were employed on a risk assessed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.