Local democracy

ePetition details

P98 and P99 bus service

We the undersigned petition the council to work with Robbie Moore MP and the Mayor of West Yorkshire to save both the P98 and P99 primary school bus services. These services provide an environmentally friendly, convenient and vital service to residents who need to get their children safely to school. With nearly 70 passengers registered to use the services, their withdrawal will affect a significant number of children and will create additional costs and pollution. This is because parents and carers may now have to pay for breakfast and after school clubs, if available as well as find alternative means of transportation to get their children to and from school. We urge Bradford Council to work with all local partners to help save these local bus services.

The bus services are a part of the local community and allow the participants not only to socialise out of school time but interact on a wider basis.

This ePetition ran from 01/02/2023 to 15/03/2023 and has now finished.

555 people signed this ePetition.