Local democracy

ePetition details

Provision for residents parking on town gate, wyke

We the undersigned petition the council to As a resident of the terraced houses along town gate in Wyke, we are having problems with parking our vehicles. The road is a narrow bend making roadside parking very risky, and the substantial land opposite the houses has been swallowed up by businesses such as curries chemist, asda, b&m and other private enterprises. Albert Street is also too small to keep our vehicles there without blocking in those addresses. We would like the council to consider assisting in an arrangement between the businesses and the residents for permitted use nearby that wouldn't impact on the businesses.

As it is, there is no parking restriction on town gate but leaving vehicles there would most likely result in many accidents due to the narrow road. Widening the road or marking residents parking spaces outside could be an option. Asda and the medical centre have substantial parking available that residents' use is unlikely to impact on particularly overnight.

This ePetition ran from 11/04/2021 to 23/05/2021 and has now finished.

One person signed this ePetition.