Local democracy

ePetition details

Crossing Milman Bridge

We the undersigned petition the council to Install a ' lights system' at Milman Swing Bridge, Apperley Bridge Rd. so that pedestrians can press a button to stop the traffic so that they can cross the bridge safely.

At present there are two 50 cm pavements on either side of the road on the bridge. These are totally inadequate for pedestrians especially if they have children, pushchairs, dogs or luggage.They have to walk on the road section. Apperley Bridge Rd is a busy 'rat run' for motorists to avoid the Green gates lights and there is no clarity as to who has priority for crossing.There are no signs available that the Highways department can use other than the triangular sign which makes drivers aware that there are people and children in the area. The suggestion of replacing the pavements with a one 100cm pavement has been rejected by the Highways Department.
Legally pedestrians have priority crossing the Milman Bridge on the road. As it stands drivers think they have priority and there are unpleasant and unnecessary conflicts between pedestrians and drivers.
A' pedestrian crossing' will stop this and people walking the tow path can have a pleasant walk.

This ePetition ran from 06/07/2018 to 06/08/2018 and has now finished.

58 people signed this ePetition.