Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies. Once you have clicked into the appropriate decision you will find a link at the bottom of the page (Decided at meeting) which will take you to the agenda, reports and minutes of the meeting the decision was taken. If you only want to look at the report then there is a further link at the bottom of the same page (Accompanying Documents).
Agenda, reports, decision sheets and minutes from meetings can also be found using the following link: Committees - Agenda, Decisions and Minutes.
Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.
This Decision Sheet presents 2 formal
objections, received (from the same household) in response to the
formal advertising of No Waiting At Any Time (NWAAT) restrictions
on the Airedale Lea Estate and Grange Road, Eastburn (as identified
within Drawing No. P/HS/THN/TRO/103661/CON-1D (attached as Appendix
These proposed restrictions will provide safe stacking room should
the number of vehicles waiting to exit has built up to block
through passage.
In response to the objections, we are proposing an amendment to the
scheme whereby we reduce the length of proposed NWAAT restrictions
on the B6265 to the boundary of No’s 2
Decision Maker: Strategic Director, Place
Decision published: 11/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
i) That the proposed No Waiting At Any Time
restrictions on the Airedale Lea Estate and Grange Road, Eastburn
(as shown within Drawing No.
P/HS/THN/TRO/103661/CON-1E (attached in Appendix D of this Decision
decision be approved and implemented with immediate effect.
ii) That the objectors be advised accordingly.
Lead officer: Richard Hollinson
The purpose of this report is for the
Strategic Director of Corporate Resources to consider whether
Canker Well Gardens and Grove Gardens, The Grove, Ilkley, LS29,
shown edged and hatched red on plan number ACV0125, should be
included in the List of Assets of Community Value or whether they
should be included on the List of Land Nominated by Unsuccessful
Community Nominations in accordance with Part 5 Chapter 3 of the
Localism Act 2011.
Decision Maker: Strategic Director, Corporate Resources
Decision published: 11/09/2024
Effective from: 29/08/2024
To recommend that the nomination of the
property known as Canker Well Gardens and Grove Gardens, The Grove,
Ilkley, LS29 be approved.
Lead officer: Joanne Hyde
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/09/2024 - Executive
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
Resolved –
(1) The Council acknowledged the progress and outcome from the Monitoring Visits undertaken to date that have provided evidence and validation that the work undertaken to address and improve practice is showing progress in a number of areas.
(2) The Council and partners continue to work with the DfE appointed Commissioner to support the work of the Trust and to ensure improvements are made in line with the Children’s Social Care Improvement Plan.
(3) The Council provides support to the Trust to ensure recommendations from the Monitoring Visits are effectively implemented to bring about positive change and improvement of outcomes for children and families.
To be actioned by: Strategic Director Children’s Services
Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Children’s Services
(Ophelia Rix - 01274 436064)
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/09/2024 - Executive
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
Resolved –
(1) That the allocation of the CIL Strategic Fund and CIL Strategic Pot as set out in Tables 3 and 4 to (Document “M”) be approved to be used to contribute to highways, habitat mitigation, education and parks and green spaces projects on the capital plan to assist in reducing corporate borrowing.
(2) That any allocation from the Strategic Fund and Strategic Pot be allocated to assist in the funding of the schemes stated within this report. Updates on the programming and spend of the allocations to be provided twelve months from the date of allocation.
(3) That if updates on the spend of allocations confirm the project has not started or a start date is not known, the allocation be returned to the CIL Strategic Fund for reallocation. The date for this return to be confirmed in consultation with the Director of Finance and Interim Director of Legal and Governance.
(4) That any expenditure plans following an allocation from the Strategic Fund and Strategic Pot be subject to Legal and Finance approval to ensure full compliance with the CIL Regulations.
(5) That the Executive request that a full review of previous CIL allocations be undertaken. The review to consider the reallocation of any unspent CIL sums. This review to be delegated to the Strategic Director of Place and the Assistant Director of Planning, Transportation and Highways in consultation with the Portfolio Holder. Such reviews to then be carried out on a regular basis.
To be actioned by: Strategic Director Place / Directors of Finance/Interim Director of Legal and Governance (3 & 4)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Regeneration and Environment
(Michala Bartle - 01274 432522)
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/09/2024 - Executive
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
Resolved –
(1) That the option to deliver an E-Bike Scheme for Bradford be approved.
(2) That Council subsidy for the introductory period of the scheme will be capped and not extended beyond this period.
(3) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director, Place, for the purpose of entering contract with an e-bike hire scheme operator.
To be actioned by: Strategic Director Place
Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Regeneration and Environment
(Andrew Whittles - 07581 007609)
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/09/2024 - Executive
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
Resolved –
(1) That the adoption of the Winter Services Plan 2024-25 be approved and that a copy of the approved plan be placed on the Council’s website in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Practice for Well Managed Highways Assets.
(2) That in addition to placing the Winter Service Plan 2024-25 on the website electronic copies of the plan shall be circulated to all senior managers, elected members, parish and town councillors prior to the commencement of the winter season.
(3) That the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder be delegated responsibility for consideration and approval of all requests relating to changes of the length and scope of treatment routes described and shall exercise due diligence in relation to such decisions in relation to the budget implications of such.
(4) That the urgent need for the maintenance upgrade of the Council’s current weather stations at Queensbury and Silsden be noted and that funding be allocated from the current winter maintenance budgets for this work.
(5) That the continued work by the Highways service to increase the sustainability and efficiency of the winter service operations be endorsed and in particular that:
(6) The development of a detailed business case for arrangements for salt storage be undertaken and that funding for the initial ground investigation survey at Wakefield Road depot be allocated from within the existing winter maintenance budget.
(7) That enhanced digitisation of decision making in winter operations be progressed and Executive endorsed the submission of a proposal to the Council’s Section 151 Officer for purchase of road surface temperature sensors and that an upgrade to the Council’s current Visala subscription be agreed to support the use of thermal mapping.
(8) A further report be presented to a future meeting of the Executive on the above matters including details of any efficiencies delivered in 2024/25 through the use of targeted network treatment supported through the use of thermal mapping.
To be actioned by: Strategic Director Place / Director of Finance (7)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Regeneration & Environment
(Richard Gelder - 01274 437603)
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/09/2024 - Executive
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
Resolved –
That the Executive:
(1) Recognised the developments in the Safe and Sound Service to implement a Technology Enabled Care offer.
(2) Agreed for a formal consultation to be undertaken with current service users and stakeholders on the proposal to change the charging model.
(3) Agreed for the Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Health to bring a report back to the Executive setting out the feedback from the consultation and recommendations on the proposed way forward.
To be actioned by: Strategic Director for Adult Social Care
Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Health and Social Care
(Rachael Meadows-Hambleton - 07484 535480)
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/09/2024 - Executive
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
Resolved –
(1) That the performance against the key performance indicators in the 2021/25 Council Plan be noted.
(2) That members commented on the Council’s performance over the last 12 months.
No Action
Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Corporate
(Jenny Cryer - 01274 432438)
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/09/2024 - Executive
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
Resolved –
(1) That it be noted that all Strategic Directors are required to reduce their expenditure during the remainder of the financial year to significantly reduce the current forecast overspend.
(2) Executive reviewed and commented on the Qtr. 1 Finance Position Statement.
(3) Executive noted the following had been approved under Section 1.7 of the Financial Regulations:
· Accommodation invest to save project - £4.6m budget for the consolidation of the City Centre estate by relocating staff and functions into City Hall and Britannia House. This has been funded from borrowing and will generate revenue savings of just under £1.1m in a full year.
· Retaining Wall - £0.075m new budget for the emergency repair of a retaining wall to allow the reinstatement of the Highway. This has been funded from the general contingency budget.
· City Centre Market - £2.416m additional budget for construction costs. This will be funded from the 2024-25 Budget (CS0395i) that was set up to mitigate cost pressures, retain the scheme viability and secure desired outcomes.
To be actioned by: Director of Finance / Strategic Directors (1)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Corporate
(Andrew Cross - 07870 386523)