Local democracy

Issue - decisions




Resolved –


·       That the recommendations from the CDOP report are enacted and considered by all partners. Proposed actions are summarised below and page 18 of appendix A also addresses actions that are already underway to address the issues identified below:


1.      Support national efforts to improve CDOP and child mortality registration (see national recommendations in appendix A: Figure 15)


2.       Reduce infant mortality in Bradford District through a coordinated response to reduce modifiable risk factors, specifically:


a.   Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infants (SUDI) and unsafe sleeping arrangements

b.   Substance misuse / alcohol misuse by parents

c.    Parental mental health issues

d.   Genetic risk associated with consanguinity

e.    Parental Smoking


3.      Monitor child deaths that occur as a direct or indirect result of Covid-19 and make appropriate recommendations for action to Bradford District COVID Outbreak control board.


4.     Ensure safe swimming campaign messages are shared with the Living Well Schools programme ahead of summer and pro-actively ahead of predicted heat waves.


5.      To seek assurance that partners are working collectively on the suicide prevention agenda (and that bereavement support services are available to Children, Young People, and Families)


6.      Support efforts to reduce and mitigate against poverty and associated factors (domestic abuse, mental health, crime, poor and overcrowded housing, homelessness, access to services and benefits)


7.          Further analysis to be undertaken to help understand specific demographic details, and to target intervention and communications and campaign accordingly.


8.      Share the CDOP annual report findings and recommendations with strategic partnerships (Bradford District Well-Being Board, newly established Children and Young People & Family Partnership, and Children’s Safeguarding Board)


Action: Director of Public Health