Local democracy

Issue - decisions

Local Government Association Model Councillor Code of Conduct



Resolved -


(1)       That the Local Government Association Model Councillor Code of       Conduct 2020 (“the Code”) be recommended for adoption by        Council to be effective from the beginning of the Municipal Year        2022-23 with the following amendments (Amendments (1) (a) to (d)            are matters included in the Council’s existing Members’ Code of          Conduct and the paragraph numbers refer to the paragraph    numbers in the existing Code):



(a)  The inclusion of the mandatory requirement that members complete a training course on Child Sexual Exploitation. (paragraph 21A).


(b)   Confirmation within the Code that all complaints alleging a failure to comply with the Code will be considered in accordance with the Procedure agreed by full Council (paragraph 22).


(c)  The incorporation into the Code of the Protocols on Member- Officer Relations, and Members’ use of Council Resources including use of Email and the Internet as detailed in paragraph 23 of the existing Members’ Code of Conduct  subject to any consequential amendments required to address inconsistencies. 


(d)  The Provisions regarding granting of dispensations (paragraph 24).


            (e) That in paragraph 10.2 of the Code (Gifts and Hospitality), £50 be        replaced with £25.



(2)       That the City Solicitor produces a draft code incorporating the  amendments, further consults the Chair of this Committee beforeit is considered by Council and that consideration is given totaking the recommendation for adoption of the Code to the            Council meeting in March 2022.


(3)       Upon adoption of the amended Code by Council, delegated authority be given to the City Solicitor to make any consequential amendments required to the Council’s Constitution including to the Protocols on Member-Officer Relations, Members Gifts and Hospitality and Members Use of Council Resources including Use of E-mail and the Internet in consultation with the Chair of this Committee.


(4)       Upon adoption of the amended Code by Council the City Solicitor write to all Town and Parish Councils within the Bradford District to advise them of adoption of the Code and encouraging them also to adopt the Code if they have not already done so. 



ACTION: City Solicitor