Local democracy

Issue - decisions



Resolved -


(1)       That the contents of the report be noted.


(2)       That the £3.1m of additional support for Adult Social Care providers as detailed in section 3.7. to Document “CJ” be approved.  Funding to derive from Emergency Covid Grants.


(3)       That the £100k of additional support for the Social Care team in Legal Services be approved to help manage increased caseloads. Funding to derive from Emergency Covid Grants.


(4)       That the following capital expenditure schemes be approved:


·      £0.21m for new automated Bradford City Centre Bollards as part of the on-going replacement programme. This will be funded by corporate borrowing from the General Contingency Budget.

·      £0.194m for IT Core Infrastructure projects to increase the bandwidth for internet access. The scheme to be funded by using the previously agreed budget in February 2020 from the remaining £0.7m Reserve schemes for IT Capital Projects.

·      £0.22m for the purchase and implementation of a new Libraries Management System and self-service machines. The will be funded by a mixture of corporate borrowing and savings on annual maintenance costs.

·      £0.655m additional budget to enable the completion of unforeseen works at Ilkley Lido and a new scheme to replace the water filtration system. This will be funded by the additional contingency that was set aside in the 2020-21 Quarter 1 Finance Position Statement for future budget requests within the Capital Investment Plan.

·      £1.075m Affordable Housing Programme. This is to be funded by a combination of additional grant income and/or commuted sums.


That it be noted that the following has been approved under Section 1.7 of the Financial Regulations:

  • £0.09m for works to install a Stage Lift at the Alhambra Theatre. This will be funded by corporate borrowing from the General Contingency.


ACTION: Director of Finance


Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Corporate


(Andrew Cross - 07870 386523)