Local democracy


Bradford Council Localities survey for 8 to 18 year-olds

Purpose of the consultation

What is this survey about?


The aim of this localities engagement survey is to find out about what makes where you live a good place, and what strengths your community has. The results of the survey will be used to inform planning within your area for the next three years.


This survey forms part of the strengthening locality working programme at Bradford Council, within which we are aiming to focus the efforts of not only the Council, but also our partners, communities and citizens, on how we can work together with more of a focus on individual localities within our District. This project is underpinned by the principles of three main approaches, the first two of which are early help and prevention, which are focused on stopping potential issues from emerging in the first place or getting worse. The latter of these is a strengths-based approach, focusing on what makes a community strong, rather than what is wrong with a community – focusing on what a community has, rather than what it doesn't have.


When does the survey finish?


The survey will be running until 5pm on Monday, 14 March 2022.


How can I have my say?


You can fill in our online survey.


There is also a survey for all ages.


Where can I get more information?


If you want to find out more about the survey, please contact your local Area Coordinator’s Office. Their pages are available below:


·         Bradford East

·         Bradford South

·         Bradford West

·         Keighley

·         Shipley