Local democracy

Agenda item


A report will be presented, Document JI, which follows from the Forum’s discussion at the last meeting (Document JE) and which asks Members to further consider the options for supporting schools that are under-subscribed and / or have falling rolls.


Recommended –


The Schools Forum is asked consider the report and to decide whether schools should now be consulted on this matter within the 2019/20 primary and secondary Schools Block formula consultation.


(Andrew Redding – 01274 432678)




A report was presented,Document JI, which a) asked members to further consider the options for supporting primary schools and primary academies that are under-subscribed and / or have falling rolls and b) asked for agreement to consult on a falling rolls fund option and the potential use of de-delegated funds to support maintained schools. This report follows from the forum’s initial discussion at the last meeting.


The business advisor emphasised that, at this stage, the forum is only asked for its agreement to consult with schools in order to collect feedback important in the forum’s further consideration of whether to introduce any of the possible financial support options in 2019/20. He asked forum members to consider the 5 decisions highlighted in the report.


In the discussion that followed the Business Advisor’s summary of the report and the draft Falling Rolls Fund, Forum Members asked the following questions and made the following comments:


  • Does the Authority wish to collect views through consultation on both a Falling Rolls Fund and de-delegated support arrangements? The Business Advisor confirmed that this is the intention.


  • Is the Authority consulting on these options for the primary phase only (not for the secondary phase)? The Business Advisor confirmed that the intention is that the financial support options are only be considered at this time for the primary phase as this has only so far been presented to the Authority as a primary phase issue and the secondary phase is currently generally expanding. The provision of financial support to the secondary phase, if the need for this develops, is a more complicated (and potentially more expensive) proposition and would require further detailed consideration.


  • What is the eligibility position for the Falling Rolls Fund of recently converted academies that do not have an Ofsted judgment? The Business Advisor responded that ESFA’s guidance is not clear on this point and that the Authority is asking the ESFA for clarification.


  • Schools and academies could contribute to a Falling Rolls Fund for a long time without being eligible for funding. Schools may be reluctant to do this.


  • Additional financial support arrangements, arguably, would be a waste of money in that these would prop up positions that should be resolved through PAN management and ‘mothballing’ school capacity where this is not needed. How many schools have had their PANs reduced this September? How accurate are the Authority’s school population forecasts? The Deputy Director responded that there have not been any requests for PAN reductions this September and that the purpose of a Falling Rolls Fund would not be to financially support a situation that did not have a resolution. However, the Forum is correct that the options for school PAN adjustments do need now to be looked at by Authority more closely.


  • Schools do not have a clear understanding of how the Authority constructs its school population forecasts. Schools Forum Members would like the opportunity to better understand this.


  • The Schools Forum would also like to better understand the ‘hotspots’ and ‘coldspots’ across the District. There are areas that face a real pressure on places at the same time as there are areas that are seeing falling numbers. The reasons behind these changes also need to be explored.


  • It would be helpful for the consultation to include sight of the potential value of a Falling Rolls Fund, and the number of schools and academies that may be eligible, so that schools and academies can assess the possible ‘topslice’ cost.


The Forum engaged in a discussion about how best to take forward the requests for further understanding of school population forecasting and hotspot and coldspot modelling. It was agreed that a sub-group meeting would be called. Members that wished to attend this meeting were asked to raise their hands and this was recorded.




(1)  That schools now be consulted on the establishment of a Falling Rolls Fund / de-delegated financial support arrangements within the 2019/20 Schools Block formula consultation. That feedback from this consultation be presented to the Forum in December.


(2)  That a sub group meeting of the Schools Forum is arranged. The primary purposes of this meeting are to enable Forum Members to have a better understanding of the Authority’s place-planning strategy, forecasting methodology, and the mapping of areas of expansion and contraction within the District.


LEAD:                        Business Advisor (Schools)



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