Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Public Health and Wellbeing (Document “L”) provides an update on the use of green spaces in the District. This paper
seeks to outline the current position, opportunities and challenges across the District.


Recommended –


The views of the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the matters set out in the report are requested.


(Angela Hutton – 01274 437345)




The report of the Strategic Director, Public Health and Wellbeing (Document “L”) provided an update on the use of green spaces in the District. This paper sought to outline the current position, opportunities and challenges across the District.


The Senior Public Health Manager with the Health & Well Being Programme Manager introduced the report to the Committee. This paper summarised evidence on the importance of green space to health and wellbeing, and health inequalities, building on previous Overview and Scrutiny reports. It alsorevisited the definitions of green space and green infrastructure and brought new information about work to map green spaces and assets in the District, and emerging evidence of how local communities made use of green space to maintain and improve health and wellbeing.


The synopsis succeeded with a PowerPoint presentation on the infrastructure of the subject item, which included information on outdoor spaces, access to Woodlands, a map on access to green space and deprivation, health benefits of access to green space, local research and local impact, achieving added value from green space, a role for green infrastructure and information on greener space for wellbeing.


Finally the report invited a discussion on how the service could seek to increase and improve green assets for the District, particularly in areas where inequalities existed.


A question and answer session ensued:

·         Was there anything in particular that Councillors in their respective wards could do for the service in areas where there was a lack of green space?

o   There was on going detailed mapping at present and the service would welcome more community led actions for officers;

·         Was there any partnership working with the voluntary sector due to the fact that it had access to various pots of funding?

o   There were around 20 community friends groups in Bradford and in terms of bringing money in was about creativity and this was possible;

·         There were concerns in the Bradford University area of City Ward on the levels of obesity amongst children and no green space were available due to safety concerns. What work had the Council planned to recognise this factor and bring in other partners within communities to undertake work on bringing to life unused green spaces?

o   It was about recognising this factor and tackling this concern through strong partnership working with community groups and the service would be pursuing various opportunities;

·         In reference to an extract within the report, 3.3.6, how was the District’s rural areas being provided further opportunities for public enjoyment of open space for physical and mental health benefits and recreational activity?

o   There were financial constraints at this present time and therefore only on-going discussions; and,

·         More housing development resulted in the reduction of green space. How was green space being prioritised within large developments?

o   Housing was a much needed investment for Bradford and in terms of green space, it was about balancing priorities,

o   The master plan did not only entail housing but also health and wellbeing.


During the discussion, the following points were made:

·         It was paramount that the service also focused on engaging with communities;

·         Success in moving forward would prevail by engaging with community because people will always do more by making them involved in their community space;

·         During a meeting of Environment and Waste Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 years ago, it was established that a significant number of small green spaces existed in communities that people thought they were not allowed access. At that meeting the Committee was advised by officers that a list of such green space land would be drawn up. To this date, the list had not been drafted for Councillors information. Equally, no policy was in place for people to adhere to in order to establish whether they could access such spaces and therefore small lands in unknown areas were being abandoned;

o   In response to comment, it was stated that this would be looked into and reported back to this Committee next Municipal Year.

·         It was not about spending money but on how to utilise more greener areas; and,

·         50% of children in poverty lived in 6-8 Wards in the Bradford District.


Resolved –


(1)       That a further progress report be presented in 12 months which            focuses on engagement with communities in deprived areas    relating to access to Green Space.


(2)       That officers support Friends of Groups and other community   groups in identifying sources of funding to develop patches of      land into Green Space.


(3)       That officers explore “mean while” use of land be explored with            partners, including but not limited to In-communities, health and       schools.


ACTION: Strategic Director, Public Health and Wellbeing



Supporting documents: