Local democracy

Agenda item


The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways will present a report (Document “K”) in respect of a full planning application for a residential development comprising 8 two bedroom flats and 2 studio flats, including parking, on land to the east of 43 Brunswick Road, Bradford – 17/05824/MAF.


Recommended –


That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways’ technical report.


                                                                        (John Eyles – 01274 434380)



The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways presented a report (Document “K”) in respect of a full planning application for a residential development comprising 8 two bedroom flats and 2 studio flats, including parking, on land to the east of 43 Brunswick Road, Bradford – 17/05824/MAF. Plans and photographs were displayed.


The Assistant Director suggested that, if Members were minded to approve the application, an additional condition should be imposed in relation to the details and construction of the bin storage facility.


A local resident spoke in opposition to the proposal on behalf of other residents:


·         The need for sustainable housing was recognised but it was not considered that this development was sustainable.

·         In the Assistant Director’s report, in response to concerns about highway safety, it was stated that there would be a small increase in vehicle movements. There were currently 13 houses on the cul-de-sac, the addition of 10 dwellings and associated cars was not a small increase. It would equate to a 76% increase in movements.

·         On-street parking would be removed as a result of this scheme. The response to this was that Brunswick Road was an adopted highway with a turning head at the end of it. Whilst on-street parking took place there were no designated parking spaces. This turning circle was used for parking by the 13 terraced houses and visitors.

·         There were residents with restricted mobility who needed parking outside their properties.

·         Use of the turning circle for this development would have an adverse impact on existing residents.


Another objector also addressed the Committee:


·         He lived on Brunswick Road and was speaking on behalf of many residents in the area, including elderly and disabled people.

·         These properties had originally been homes for the elderly and those with reduced mobility.

·         The site had planning permission for 3 houses. Whilst 3 detached properties was acceptable this application changed the proposals to 10 flats. This was the fourth application for this site.

·         It was believed that the calculated increase in numbers of vehicles had been underestimated.

·         Parking was a significant issue in the locality and co-operation between neighbours was the only reason why there weren’t more arguments. It was foreseen that there would be a lot of problems if this went ahead.

·         A fire engine had recently been unable to gain access due to parked vehicles.

·         The Design and Access Statement was similar to that for the proposal for 3 detached houses, this was ridiculous.


The Assistant Director responded to the points and additional questions raised as set out below:


·         The site was within a sustainable location close to Harrogate Road and public transport links. It was also close to local shops and services and the train station. Car ownership for flats was generally lower than for houses; it was considered that the parking provision for the development was sufficient and it would not lead to additional parking taking place on and around Brunswick Road.

·         The turning head was available and this scheme required use for access. It was a turning head not parking space. It was a public highway with the right to pass and re-pass not to park.

·         There was a process to implement designated on-street parking spaces for people with disabilities.

·         There would be no additional strain placed on the highway network and the scheme accorded with the relevant standards and guidelines for parking. The additional trip generation had been calculated as 5 to 6 in the peak hour; it was considered that the additional movements would be unnoticeable.

·         It was normal practice for the parking requirements for flats to be lower than for houses; a 2 bed unit would have 1 space or, in larger developments, 1.5 spaces.


A representative of the applicant spoke in support of the proposal:


·         The proposals had been amended a number of times during the last 4 to 5 years.

·         The applicant had amended the plans to respond to the issues raised by the Planning Department. Planning officers had been to visit the site and said that the plans were acceptable.

·         The Highways Department had been involved and said that there were no real concerns.

·         The turning head was not allocated for parking it was for use by everyone.

·         Anti-social behaviour and fly tipping had taken place in the area and it was anticipated that the development of this site would help to prevent this.

·         If there were problems with residents’ parking then she was sure that the applicant would consider this.

·         The officer’s recommendation was supported.


In response to further questions from Members, the Assistant Director said that:


·         The application refused in 2017 had been orientated differently on the site and had had a poor outlook onto trees.

·         The current proposal followed the path of the previous approval, albeit closer to the existing residential properties.

·         The grounds for refusal in 2016 had not been related to parking.


Resolved –


That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways’ technical report, together with an additional condition in respect of:


The submission of details of bin storage arrangements for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


ACTION:       Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways




Supporting documents: