Local democracy

Agenda item


Recommended –


That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2018 be signed as a correct record (previously circulated).




a) To agree the minutes as a correct record.


b) The Business Advisor (Schools) reported on progress made on “Action” items:


·         Item 322 SEND and SEMH Reviews: The Business Advisor reported thata report on the SEND and SEMH reviews is presented to the Schools Forum under agenda item 6. With regard to the Forum’s resolution supporting the development of a primary phase local agreement – a presentation was made to BPIP on 24 May and the Authority sent at the beginning of June a letter to all primary schools and academies asking them to sign up to a local agreement to enable a ‘support charge’ to be made of £8,000 for a permanent exclusion for this money to follow the child. With regard to the referrals to the HNB Steering Group (on HNB trajectory modelling and PRU balances), these matters were initially discussed by the Group at the meeting 9 July. Recommendations from the HNB Steering Group will come back to the Forum in autumn.


·         Item 325 Schools Outturn Revenue Balances: The Business Advisor reminded Forum Members of their requests for statements from the Local Authority on 2 matters – BSF utilities dispute settlement and Hanson School deficit. He referred Members to the statements that have been tabled. See the record of further discussion below.


·         Item 327 AOB: The Business Advisor reminded Members that the Vice Chair made a request at the last meeting for clarification on the financing of Bradford New College specifically with reference to the source of funding of the College’s recent promotional event. He explained that, although we are still checking with City Hall about this specific promotional event, and will confirm for the Forum in autumn, we have confirmation that the costs of a promotional event organised in September 2017 was charged to New College.


BSF / PFI Utilities Dispute


In response the tabled statement, the Vice Chair expressed concern that Forum Members remain unaware of the complexity of the position, of how and when the disputes will be resolved, and the potential financial impact that resolution may have both on the budgets of the schools affected and on the DSG Schools Block. He expressed his view, as the Headteacher of a BSF school, that the Authority has not engaged to a satisfactory extent recently with BSF schools on the status of the negotiations.  The concerns expressed by the Vice Chair were support by an academies member, who is also the CEO of a MAT with BSF schools. Referring to the option considered at the last meeting, the academies member suggested that a confidential agenda item is now added to the Forum’s September meeting so that the Forum can receive a full update on this matter, including the progress of negotiations over the summer, and can more closely consider the financial impact that a resolution may have on schools and on the DSG. This suggestion was welcomed by Forum members.


Hanson School


The Strategic Director, Children’s Services, presented the written statement. He explained in particular that the statement sets out the positive progress that the school is making under the support of Gorse Academies Trust. This progress has been acknowledged by Ofsted. The statement sets out the scale of the financial challenge now faced, which has an historic element as well as a recurrent problem. The Strategic Director confirmed that the Schools Forum is not asked to make additional contribution from the DSG above the provision that is already agreed. He stated that the financial, and contractual, issues need to be resolved between the Authority, the school, the DfE and the RSC and that conversations to this end are on-going. He added that he has commissioned an education audit of the school, the purpose of which is to ensure that the school is offering value for money.


In response to the statement, an academies member welcomed the Authority’s confirmation that no more commitment was being asked for from the DSG. A schools member, responding to the Strategic Director’s statement that the Authority needs to better understand the contracts held by the school, commented that the Authority should by now already understand these.


Resolved –


(1)       That progress made on “Matters Arising” be noted.


(2)       That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2018 be signed as a correct record.


(3)       That the Authority contacts the schools and academies affected by the PFI benchmarks dispute to ensure that they understand the current position and timescale for resolution.


(4)       That a ‘closed to the public’ item is added to the end of the September            Schools Forum meeting to enable the Schools Forum to more closely       consider matters relating to the PFI contract and the benchmarks dispute             and the impact that these may have on individual schools and on the DSG.


ACTION:       City Solicitor

                        Business Advisor (Schools)



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