Local democracy

Agenda item



The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways submitted a report (Document “AI”) in relation to an application for 166 one and two bed flats, with a retail/professional services/food & drink, non-residential institution/ assembly or leisure use at ground floor level, and 21 basement parking spaces on land at Grammar School Street, Bradford - 16/03564/MAF.


The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways informed Members that the development would consist of 166 flats with a retail or commercial use element on a two level site, which was in a prominent position at the top end of the City Centre.  He reported that access to the site was via Grammar School Street, which was an unadopted road that was used for on-street parking and the entrance to Carlton House would remain unhindered.  The Committee noted the variety of constructions in the vicinity and the proposed scheme would have a contemporary design on seven levels.  The development would have two buildings, the larger would face onto Hamm Strasse and the smaller onto Grammar School Street.  Lengthy discussions had been undertaken and the proposal had been subject to external Design Review due to the site’s location.  In conclusion the scale and massing had been considered appropriate and the design and appearance was acceptable in the location in order to preserve the character of the conservation area.  The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways confirmed that there had not been any objections to the application, however, a representation had been submitted in relation to the access of the adjoining building.  He explained that a one-way system would be introduced and Grammar School Street would be brought up to an adoptable standard.  The access to Carlton House would remain unhindered and be improved.  The site was located in a nil CIL zone and, therefore, not viable for affordable housing.  The application was then recommended for approval subject to the conditions as set out in the report and also subject to an additional condition in relation to the upgrading of Grammar School Street.


In response to Members’ queries the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways clarified that:


·         The residential flats would have a balcony.

·         The link between the two buildings would be at an upper level and there would be two points of access with a bridge across.

·         The retail element would be double level with residential units above.  Conditions in relation to noise attenuation had been placed on the application.

·         The applicant had contended that the scheme would not be viable with affordable housing and this had not been challenged.  The Council had taken into account the negative land value and the inability to obtain obligations.  The New Homes Bonus would be available for the 166 units, however, assurances could not be given that the scheme would still be operative, though the properties would be subject to Council Tax. 


An objector was present at the meeting and stated that he represented the business that was located in Carlton House.  He informed Members that they were in support of the proposed development, however, they wished to maintain their right of access.


The applicant’s agent was present at the meeting and made the following comments:


·         The site had been a void in the urban fabric for many years.

·         The Grammar School had burnt down in 1987.

·         21 years later an application had been submitted for flats, however, the financial crash had occurred.

·         10 years later this new scheme had been proposed.

·         It had been ensured that the design was appropriate to the setting, as it was close to Penny Bank which was a listed building. 

·         Positive feedback had been received from the Design Review.

·         It was not surprising that the provision of obligations would not be viable.

·         Contributions would not be sought for affordable housing.

·         The proposal provided an opportunity to bring the site back into use.

·         The scheme would provide a worthwhile contribution to the District’s housing stock.

·         All the conditions and the proposed addition were acceptable.


A Member questioned the applicant’s agent whether the access to Carlton House could be assured and this was confirmed.  


Resolved –


That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways’ technical report and subject to the following additional condition:


(i)            Prior to commencement of development a scheme for the upgrading of Grammar School Street to adoptable standards including reconstruction, drainage and street lighting; a one-way circulation system and waiting restrictions shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved scheme to be completed within 12 months of the commencement of development.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


Action: Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways