Local democracy

Agenda item


Previous references:           Minutes 78 (2016/17) and 29 (2017/18)


The City Solicitor will present a report (Document “AS”) in relation to the Priesthorpe Annexe, Mornington Road, Bingley which is held by the Council as trustee of the former Bingley Science Arts and Technical School.


Members will recall that this issue was considered at the meeting of the Committee held on 10 August 2017 when it was resolved, amongst other things:


‘(2)       That the Assistant Director, Estates and Property be requested to place the property on the market for sale as soon as possible, seeking expressions of interest and the submission of business cases, in the context of the terms of the Trust, by no later than 26 January 2018.


(3)       That the City Solicitor be requested to submit a further report to the March 2018 meeting of this Committee that includes a review, by the Assistant Director, Estates and Property, of each of the business cases that have been submitted.’


Recommended –


That the Assistant Director, Estates and Property be requested to obtain further information, to include details in relation to funding and timescales, in respect of the Expressions of Interest Options “A” and “D” as set out in Not for Publication Appendix 3 to Document “AS”, and to submit a report to the June meeting of the Committee.


                                                            (Richard Winter – 01274 434292)



Previous references:           Minutes 78 (2016/17) and 29 (2017/18)


The Interim City Solicitor presented a report (Document “AS”) in relation to the Priesthorpe Annexe, Mornington Road, Bingley which was held by the Council as Trustee of the former Bingley Science Arts and Technical School.


Members were reminded that this issue had been considered at the meeting of the Committee held on 10 August 2017 when it had been resolved, amongst other things:


‘(2)       That the Assistant Director, Estates and Property be requested to place the property on the market for sale as soon as possible, seeking expressions of interest and the submission of business cases, in the context of the terms of the Trust, by no later than 26 January 2018.


(3)       That the City Solicitor be requested to submit a further report to the March 2018 meeting of this Committee that includes a review, by the Assistant Director, Estates and Property, of each of the business cases that have been submitted.’


The Interim City Solicitor explained that six Expressions of Interest in the property had been received and a Chartered Surveyor had been instructed to prepare a report analysing these submissions (Not for Publication Appendix 4 to Document “AS”). This report recommended that Options A and D be further considered in terms of their viability prior to a final decision being taken.


A Bingley Town Councillor addressed the Trustees explaining that there had not been an opportunity for the Town Council to formally discuss the matter but her views were as follows:


·         The progress made by the Trustees and the commitment to achieving a solution to the existing situation was welcomed.

·         Consideration had been given to the submission of an Expression of Interest but the Condition Survey had not been available until October and it would be beyond the resources of the Town Council to progress the matter. However, other parties had been encouraged to do so.

·         Local feedback had indicated that people would prefer to have the Annexe retained as a key building within the Conservation Area but did not wish to continue to see it in its present dilapidated state; the priority was to improve upon the current visual impact.

·         There was a need to dispose of the property in a responsible manner, this may mean that the highest bid was not necessarily accepted but account was taken of the need for a commitment to undertake the necessary work.

·         It was believed that there had been a significant loss in the value of the property due to neglect; this was a loss for the people of Bingley.  It was very important that any value achieved should be put to proper use for the educational benefit of people in Bingley and that there should be consultation on what that entailed.


The Interim City Solicitor said that he had made enquiries in respect of the diminution of value of the property and would report to the Trustees on this issue further to disposal of the property when the relative values were known.


It was noted that the Trustees’ role in this instance was to aim to maximise the educational benefit to the people of Bingley (in accordance with the terms of the Trust) and to ensure that any proceeds were used for this direct benefit.  The recommendation of the Surveyor appeared to be the best option.


Resolved –


That the Assistant Director, Estates and Property be requested to obtain further information, to include details in relation to funding and timescales, in respect of the Expressions of Interest Options “A” and “D” as set out in Not for Publication Appendix 3 to Document “AS”, and to submit a report to the June meeting of the Committee.


ACTION:       Assistant Director, Estates and Property

                        Interim City Solicitor


Supporting documents: