Local democracy

Agenda item


A report will be submitted by the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways (Document “AO”) in respect of an outline planning application, with all matters reserved other than access, for the construction of 14 dwellings and a veterinary surgery on land off Ashlands Road, Ilkley – 16/04629/MAO.


Recommended –


That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways’ technical report.


                                                                        (John Eyles – 01274 434380)





A report was submitted by the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways (Document “AO”) in respect of an outline planning application, with all matters reserved other than access, for the construction of 14 dwellings and a veterinary surgery on land off Ashlands Road, Ilkley – 16/04629/MAO. A range of plans and photographs were displayed.


The Assistant Director explained that the Environment Agency had now formally withdrawn its objection to the application but had recommended the inclusion of an additional condition in respect of measures to reduce flooding risk. He also reported the receipt of an additional objection which addressed similar issues to those already raised.


He replied to Members’ questions:


·         Access from Leeds Road would be maintained as a footpath only access to nearby allotments and to provide a walking route to the top part of the development.

·         The plan appeared to indicate the provision of 26 parking spaces for the veterinary practice.


A written representation from one of the Ward Councillors which raised concerns about the proposals was read to the Committee. It was noted that although public access was currently permitted to the site it was not allocated recreation land.


The Assistant Director said that:


·         A mix of units was proposed to be provided; the indicative plan showed four 2 bed, four 3 bed and six 4 bed dwellings; this would be considered in detail at a later stage.

·         Yorkshire Water had expressed reservations about the siting of residential development adjacent to the Waste Water Treatment Works. Environmental Health had not objected to the scheme and both objective and subjective assessments had been undertaken.  Anecdotal evidence suggested that any problems were associated with tankers and were of a limited duration.


He also responded to further questions from Members:


·         This was an outline application and the mix of units proposed would not be established by this permission. If there was a need to respond to a particular need in the area this would be considered and assessed against the relevant policy requirements. The Reserved Matters application could be submitted to this Committee if Members considered that this would be appropriate.

·         The site was within Flood Zone 3 but the applicant’s hydraulic modelling of Backstone Beck and the River Wharfe, including the land changes proposed, had indicated no increase in flood risk; swales were also to be provided.

·         The footprint of the veterinary surgery was quite substantial. The Practice was currently accommodated in a Victorian building that was in fairly intensive use. In principle officers were satisfied with the proposed level of parking provision; this could be considered in more detail once the actual square meterage of the building was firmly established.


The agent commented that:


·         The officer’s report was comprehensive and well balanced.

·         The proposals had been considered in detail by professional officers who recommended approval.

·         The scheme had been developed over a number of years in consultation with the Local Planning Authority, the Environment Agency and consultees.

·         All issues had been addressed and all the proposed conditions were accepted.

·         Public consultation had been undertaken and there had been 49 representations in support and 16 in objection.

·         The Environment Agency had now removed its objection; a lot of work had been undertaken in respect of flood risk.

·         The use of the whole site for employment use was not considered to be viable and evidence to support this assertion had been provided to the Local Planning Authority.

·         There was a need for new housing in this area and the 14 units comprised ‘enabling development’ for the new veterinary surgery, which would contribute to employment creation in the area.

·         Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding would be provided for local infrastructure which would be spent in accordance with the Council’s ‘123’ list.

·         The mix of housing to be provided could be further discussed at Reserved Matters stage to ensure that it was appropriate to address the need in the area.

·         This was a sustainable site.


Resolved –


(1)       That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways’ technical report, together with an additional condition relating to:


adherence to the approved Flood Risk Assessment by JOC Consultants Ltd, report number 15/018.01, revision 10, dated 26 March 2018; including the construction of the swales and raising to ensure that there is no temporary displacement of flood waters during the construction of the development, and the permitted finished ground levels,


with authority being delegated to the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways to finalise the exact wording of the condition.


(2)       That the Reserved Matters Application be submitted to this Committee for determination.


ACTION:       Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways


Supporting documents: