Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director Place will submit a report (Document “T”) which outlines the development of the Changing Places projects across Bradford District and in particular Bradford South.


Recommended –


That members note the report.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Corporate


(Amria Khatun - 01274 437467)


The Strategic Director Place submitted a report (Document “T”) which outlined the development of the Changing Places projects across Bradford District and in particular Bradford South.


The Bradford South Area Coordinator explained that the Controlling Migration Fund was launched by the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government in November 2016; the principle aim of which was to respond to the challenges caused by high migration on localities and thus contribute to wider community cohesion and integration work. The Council had successfully made a bid of £1.388m from the Fund.

To this end a number of projects were being delivered across Bradford South and those involved in some of the projects were present at the meeting to give a flavour of the work being undertaken:

Bradford Youth Service was delivering a Youth Cohesion Programme enabling young people to become positive active citizens and role models for their communities; the target group being new migrant groups.  The Youth Services officer responsible for this project was present along with a number of young people involved in the project.  The participants through the project had undertaken a number of activities, enabling them to make new friendship groups as well as encouraging others in their respective communities to become more  involved.

In Great Horton a project was working with new migrant communities and the project had successfully tackled a number of issues around human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

A number of English and cultural awareness programmes had also been initiated.

That through a number of the projects people had been referred to other agencies, which could offer those people appropriate help and advice.

Projects within the Buttershaw and Holmwood estates were also alluded to, bringing communities together by improving coordination of different existing projects and  establishing of new ones ; through a community magazine, as well as promoting wellbeing and positivity of the estates.

Further projects were also alluded to which were detailed in the appendix to the report.

During the discussion, Members welcomed the projects being delivered across Bradford South and the positive impact these projects had had in bringing communities together as well as offering bespoke help.

A Ward Member for the Great Horton area stated that over the years a lot of concerns had been expressed as new communities moved into the area, however the drop in sessions at St John’s church had enabled a number of pertinent issues affecting new communities to be addressed; she however highlighted the need to address the issue of school attendance amongst the new migrant communities.

A Member stated that he had been raising issues facing new communities for a number of years, particularly around exploitation, abusing landlords, CSE and domestic violence and he urged that not only do these projects continue, but that difficult conversations had to take place, if these issues were going to be resolved.

A representative from St John’s Church was also present and stated that the church was proud to undertake this work in partnership with the Council in order to help the community.

In welcoming the work being undertaken, a Member stressed that projects had to be fully evaluated in order to measure their success and it was therefore:


Resolved –


(1)       That Members welcome the report and look forward to receiving a        report on the issues raised by Members, including outcomes        achieved across the Changing Place Programme.


((2)      That this Committee is scheduled to receive a report at its next meeting on Public Health /CCGs,  and therefore officers be          requested to incorporate within that report an update on progress       of the  health projects undertaken as part of the Changing Places         Programme.


ACTION:       Strategic Director Place (resolution 1)  / Strategic Director                        Health and Wellbeing (resolution 2)


Overview and Scrutiny Area: Corporate

Supporting documents: