Local democracy

Agenda item


On 5 December 2017 the Executive approved amended and new budget proposals for consultation as required with the public, interested parties, staff and the Trade Unions.


The Assistant Director Finance will submit a report (Document “AT”) which provides the Executive with an update on national announcements and local decisions since 5 December 2017. It also identifies issues and uncertainties which could still have a bearing on the final size of the funding gap for the financial years 2018/19 and 2019/20 to be closed by Budget decisions.


Executive will need to have regard to the information contained in this report when considering the recommendations to make to Council at their meeting on 20 February 2018.


Recommended –


(1)       Executive are asked to note the contents of this report and to have regard to the information contained within this report when considering the recommendations to make to Council on a budget for 2018/19 and budget proposals for 2019/20 at their meeting on 20 February 2018.


(2)       That the Strategic Director of Corporate Services be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Portfolio holder, to finalise and implement the Business Rates Revaluation Relief scheme for 2018/19 and subsequent years, whilst Government funding is available.


Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee


(Tom Caselton – 01274 434472)


On 5 December 2017 the Executive approved amended and new budget proposals for consultation as required with the public, interested parties, staff and the Trade Unions.


The Assistant Director Finance submitted a report (Document “AT”) which provided the Executive with an update on national announcements and local decisions since 5 December 2017. It also identified issues and uncertainties which could still have a bearing on the final size of the funding gap for the financial years 2018/19 and 2019/20 to be closed by Budget decisions.


Executive would need to have regard to the information contained in the report when considering the recommendations to make to Council at their meeting on 20 February 2018.


The Assistant Director alluded to the main messages contained within the

report, stating that the Provisional Local Government Settlement published on

19 December 2017 had several announcements that would affect the

Council, including:


  • Increase in the Council Tax Referendum limit by 1% to 3%;
  • No change to the social care precept rates;
  • No new money from central government;
  • Approval of the Leeds City Region 100% business rate pool;
  • Proposed changes to the Business Rates Retention from 50% to 75%;
  • Consultation on the introduction of new Fair Funding formula


The Pay Offer announced on 5 December 2017, would potentially add an

extra £5m over and above the amount provided in the budget consultation



The West Yorkshire Combined Authority budget papers only suggest a £1m

reduction in the levy in 2018/19 and 2019/20 which would fall short of the

savings outlined in the budget consultation paper.


The Financial Position Statement for the Third Quarter continued to highlight

pressures within Adults and Children’s Social care and increasing pressure on

waste disposal, and ;


If the additional Council Tax referendum limit was accepted then there was a

potential £0.3m gap for 2018/19 rising to £4.5m in 2019/20.


The Assistant Director also stressed that the final settlement announcement had not yet been made as expected, and details on this would be brought to the Executive Budget meeting on 20 February.


The Leader alluded to the funding pressures facing Local Government since 2010 and the particular impact this had had on Adult and Children Social Care, adding that she feared for how services could be funded in the future in this context.


The Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder echoed the above comments, adding that in the district there was rising demand in adult and social care and it was disappointing that the Government had failed to address the funding crisis in these areas.


The Leader further stated that given the high level of need in the district, Central Government had to work closely with the Council to ensure that this need is met and that services are funded adequately.




(1)       That Executive note the contents of Document “AT” and have regard to the information contained within the report when considering the recommendations to make to Council on a budget for 2018/19 and budget proposals for 2019/20 at their meeting on 20 February 2018.


(2)       That the Interim Strategic Director of Corporate Resources be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Portfolio holder, to finalise and implement the Business Rates Revaluation Relief scheme for 2018/19 and subsequent years, whilst Government funding is available.


ACTION:       Interim Strategic Director of Corporate Resources


(Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee)



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