Local democracy

Agenda item



The report of the Director of Children’s Services (Document “X”)provides information on the Children’s Services budget proposals for 2018-19 and 2019-20.


Recommended -


That the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the details of the budget saving proposals for 2018-19 and 2019-20.


(Michael Jameson – 01274 431266)




The report of the Director of Children’s Services (Document “X”) provided information on the Children’s Services budget proposals for 2018-19 and 2019-20.


The Strategic Director put the budget proposals into the context of the reduction by 50% of the Council’s budget from 2010 to 2020.  He noted that standards and value for money continued to improve with Bradford having the lowest cost base in Yorkshire and Humber on spending per capita and that there were fewer children in care.  He referred to the additional investment into Bradford which would be used to mitigate austerity.  He noted that despite a significant increase in demand for Children’s and Adult services in the last 12 months Bradford was still in a better position than Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester.  He added that despite lobbying that as a Council Bradford needed £5m investment in Social Care nothing had been forthcoming from the Government.


The following questions were asked and answers given:


Q         Are the proposals based on the potential 1% Council Tax increase which had recently been announced ?

A         The proposals were written before the announcement.


Q         What would be the service impact of the proposals ?

A         There are impacts on service users, the community and staff


Q         How much funding will be coming in ?

A         The Council was to allocate £2.8m to manage increased demand.  The      £3.4m Innovation finance was a major boost for Bradford.  Officers          would report to a future meeting on the Opportunity Investment Fund.       European Structural and Investment fund (ESIF) Local Flexibilities             funding was being used to get people into employment.  Reductions in     Early Help were being faced and if more money became available this            would be put into providing front line staff.


Q         What action has been undertaken as a result of the review of front door     customer contact for Children’s Social Care Services ?

A         Some front line activity had been transferred from Children’s to        Corporate Services and 93% of calls were answered first time.  Better             screening of calls had resulted in a saving of 1 social worker.  This had     been in place since the summer and had been well received.


Q         Are any assumptions made in the budget proposals about the number       of looked after children ?

A         Although predictions were difficult it was known that the numbers had       grown which were as a result of children living in poverty, the growing             population of Bradford and unaccompanied asylum seeking children.


Q         How do we mitigate against the increase in looked after children ?

A         By meeting their needs in Bradford and keeping them with foster carers     in Bradford where possible.  The number of foster carers had increased by 53 in a year and the number of looked after children in external             placement had reduced which had resulted in a saving of £300,000 in 3             months.  The Innovation fund and the B positive pathways   concentrated on adolescents on the edge of care to keep them in their            own homes and out of care.


Q         What are the implications for schools ?

A         Schools are at the forefront of safeguarding and early intervention.             Work was being undertaken with schools on targeting early help.  5     Panels had been set up in which professionals in a locality discuss      children and families of concern and offer intervention and early help        from Council staff and voluntary agencies.  This process will continue    under Early Help.


Resolved –


(1)          That the financial constraints faced by the Council be recognised and the additional funding secured for specific initiatives be welcomed.


(2)          That staff be thanked for their work to improve outcomes for individuals in the last 12 months.


ACTION:        Strategic Director of Children’s Services

Supporting documents: