Local democracy

Agenda item

NOTICES OF MOTION (Standing Order 17)

To consider the attached motions of which notice has been given.




To be moved by Councillor J Sunderland

Seconded by Councillor Griffiths


This Council notes the comments of the Ofsted Chief Inspector about the "serious and growing threat to the safety and well-being of hundreds of children in several English Regions"


This Council takes seriously its responsibility to protect children from harm regardless of education setting. 


This Council requests a review of the education of children who are not registered pupils at a school. The review should include but not be restricted to;


1.         The local arrangements for establishing the identities of children who are not registered pupils at a school.


2.         The arrangements the Council has to identify and prevent children at risk of becoming a child missing education.


3.         How the Council discharges its duties with regard to Home Education.


4.         An analysis of why the parents or carers of approximately 500 children choose elective home education in the District and where possible to ask the views of the children and young people themselves.


5.         The analysis should include questions of attendance or otherwise with other children at places which could potentially be identified as unregistered schools.


The information should be presented to a meeting of the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee within the next six months for them to review concerns especially with regard to safeguarding and make recommendations for improvement. 






To be moved by Councillor Cooke

Seconded by Councillor Pennington


Council notes the decision of the Science Museum Group to remove the Royal Photography Society collection from Bradford


Council believes this decision along with the withdrawal of the National Media Museum from Bradford's three film festivals causes significant damage to the cultural life of the City





Council asks the Chief Executive to:


1.         Write to the Arts Minister raising our concern about the London-centric bias in arts and cultural funding in England in the context of this decision


2.         Write to the District's MPs asking for their support in challenging the decision of the Science Museum Group 3. Raise the issue directly with the Science Museum Group and the V&A arguing that a new centre focused on art in photography should complement the STEM aspects of the medium and that this is best achieved by that new centre being based in Bradford



3.         TOURISM     


To be moved by Councillor Miller

Seconded by Councillor Rickard


Council notes the importance of tourism to the District's economy and the proposed review of support for the visitor economy in the recent budget.


Council believes that:


1.         Tourism and the visitor economy are central to the District's future economic growth.


2.         Support infrastructure is essential to that visitor economy especially in key tourist locations such as Haworth, Saltaire, Ilkley & Craven.


3.         The exclusive focus of the District's events budgets on the City Centre undermines these key tourist hubs.


Council resolves:


1.         To ask the Chief Executive to extend the review of tourism so as to encompass the role of the visitor economy in the District's future


2.         To allocate a significant proportion of the events budget to support key tourism hubs at Haworth, Saltaire, Ilkley & Craven.



4.         HACKNEY CARRIAGE AND PRIVATE HIRE LICENSING                                       


To be moved by Councillor Ellis

Seconded by Councillor B M Smith


The Council notes:


·        The implications for Hackney Carriage & Private Hire enforcement, of the Deregulation Act 2015, as detailed in the report of the Strategic Director, Environment & Sport, presented to the meeting of the Regulatory & Appeals Committee, held on the 10 March 2016.


·        The mutual benefits of the reciprocal agreement with the other West Yorkshire Authorities and York, to establish some common licensing standards / conditions and cross delegate enforcement functions.


The Council resolves:


·        To request the Chief Executive to consult with the Transport Minister and appropriate Senior Civil Servants from the Department of Transport, along with colleagues from the Local Government Association, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and other appropriate partners, in order to find agreement regarding the best means to progress the formulation and implementation of uniform, cross boundary minimum safety standards, to minimise risks such as Child Sexual Exploitation, Human Trafficking, illegal operators and all other risks associated with the possibility of operators selecting the authorities with the least challenging standards by which to be licensed.





To be moved by Councillor Berry

Seconded by Councillor Green


This Council welcomes the growing recognition of the needs of people requiring the support of mental health services and of the fact that support for mental health has a positive impact on education, health, crime and employment.
We recognise the transformational progress made since Bradford signed up to the mental health challenge and the major role that Council services have played in achieving that change which includes:


·        The elimination of Delayed Discharge

·        Achieving a 12 month period with no Out of area Placements

·        An effective 24 hour Crisis support


The Council recognises the potential costs to employers and the wider economy of poor mental health and the important role that employers can play in identifying and addressing mental health issues at an early stage. We believe that addressing mental health in the workplace should be a key priority for employers including all statutory agencies and voluntary sector partners in the District led by the Health and Well Being Board.

The Council resolves to work with partners to develop a new deal for mental health which will include:


  • A stronger focus on support for employers and employees to enable prevention and early intervention and support in workplaces across the District.
  • The sharing of good practice between organisations, recognising that too many people end up leaving employment for the lack of timely and effective support.