Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director Children’s Services

(Document “R”) highlights the progress the Council and partners have made in bringing together existing arrangements for early help and early years services. 


The report outlines the need for proposed changes to how we deliver services in order to ensure we target resources at a time of increasing demand to avoid a detrimental impact on outcomes to children.  We cannot continue to deliver services in the way we do now with this level of government cuts. The focus will be on a proposed partnership approach which is more targeted to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities for children and young people across the District.


On 7 November 2017 Executive was asked to approve a period of consultation on a proposed new Prevention and Early Help delivery model.  Keighley Area Committee is asked to consider and comment on the report as part of formal consultation.


The views and comments of Members are requested and it is recommended -


(1)  That it be noted that formal consultation is underway from 15 November 2017 until 12 February 2018 with all interested parties as outlined in Appendix 12 to Document R.


(2)  That it be noted that Executive will receive a further report in April 2018 following formal consultation.


(Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee)


(Judith Kirk– 01274 431078)



The report of the Strategic Director Children’s Services

(Document “R”) highlighted the progress the Council and partners had made in bringing together existing arrangements for early help and early years services. 


On 7 November 2017 the  Executive had been asked to approve a period of consultation on a proposed new Prevention and Early Help delivery model.  Keighley Area Committee was asked to consider and comment on the report as part of that formal consultation. 


The report outlined the need for proposed changes to how services were delivered in order to ensure resources were targeted, at a time of increasing demand, to avoid a detrimental impact on outcomes to children.  It was explained that unprecedented reductions in Government funding meant that the Department of  Children’s Services could not deliver services in the way it previously had.  The proposed focus would be on a partnership approach which was more targeted to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities for children and young people across the District.


The Deputy Director, Education, Employment and Skills addressed the meeting and provided a visual depiction, in diagrammatic form, of the proposed changes to how the children’s centre core offer across the District would be provided.  The proposals would result in a move from separate services (the seven Children’s Centre clusters and five Early Help clusters) to one new Prevention and Early Help Service. The preferred model included a combination of a small group of central services and four new Prevention and Early Help teams.  Based on the Families’ Needs Assessment it was proposed that the four area based teams would cover Keighley/Shipley combined; Bradford East; Bradford West and Bradford South.  There would be two types of teams working in each area dealing with both case management and preventative measures.  The proposals would cut out duplication and implement a whole family approach where families would not receive a series of interventions from different services.


It was clarified that approximately 50% of current posts would be removed from the structure which would equate to 220 to 240 full time equivalent posts.  In response to which Members expressed concern that the service may not be able to function appropriately.  That concern was acknowledged, however, the element of duplication in the previous structure was reported and that should additional funding be secured the potential for teams to be enlarged was stressed.  The proposals would result in a move to generic job descriptions and whole family approach. 


Concerns that staff, transferring from their current specialisms to prevention and early help across all key stages, would not have the necessary skills to fulfil their new roles were raised.  Members were assured that a skills passport approach was being established to provide a professional development programme for all personnel. 


Members questioned the rationale for a combined Keighley and Shipley area based team.  It was explained that a great deal of research had been undertaken to assess the levels of deprivation and wards/neighbourhoods with the greatest needs would be targeted.  Should levels of need fluctuate the area teams could consequently be amended. 


The lack of teams in the outer rural areas was questioned and it was explained that there would be funding available which could be used for direct commissioning to support health and that key priorities would be identified in each locality.


A Member questioned the level of engagement following consultation on the proposals and it was explained that information sessions were being promoted; key centres were conducting face to face questionnaires; officer attendance was being provided at public/partner events and the consultation process would be monitored and tweaked to ensure the consultation had the widest reach.  A fortnightly update would be provided to Members with the first of those updates being provided on 15 December 2017.  In response to questions it was confirmed that the Area Co-ordinators were assisting with the consultation process by advising of the community groups which should be approached. 


Members were advised that revised structures could not yet be circulated as these were being revised in line with the consultation.  Any essential vacancies were being filled on a temporary basis as it was envisaged that a lot of redeployment would be required.  It was anticipated that opportunities would be available for people in redundant roles.


Resolved –


(1)  That formal consultation is underway from 15 November 2017 until 12 February 2018 with all interested parties as outlined in Appendix 12 to Document R be noted.


(2)  That it be noted that Executive will receive a further report in April 2018 following formal consultation.


ACTION: Strategic Director, Children’s Services


(Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee)



Supporting documents: