Local democracy

Agenda item


Previous Reference: Shipley Area Committee, Minute 25 (2017/18)


The Strategic Director, Place will present a report (Document “S”) seeking approval to allocate £3500 towards a jointly funded traffic scheme promoted by Bradford East and Shipley Area Committees to address anti-social behaviour and road safety concerns on All Alone Road, Wrose.


Recommended –


(1)That this Committee allocates £3500 as half the required outstanding contribution to promote a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) allowing gates to be installed on All-Alone Road. Should the full funding become available, the Committee supports the process to proceed with the PSPO.


(2)That Shipley Area Committee and Wrose Parish Council be advised accordingly.


(Environment & Waste Management Overview & Scrutiny Committee)


(Simon D’Vali – 01274 432100)


The Strategic Director, Place presented a report (Document “S”) which sought the Committee’s approval to allocate £3,500 towards a jointly funded traffic scheme promoted by Bradford East and Shipley Area Committees to address anti-social behaviour and road safety concerns on All Alone Road, Wrose.


It was reported that:


·         All Alone Road was an unadopted highway, meaning the Council as highway authority was not responsible for its maintenance and upkeep -  (responsibility resting with the immediate frontagers as street managers).


·         The Council had, for some time, being receiving complaints regarding ASB (Anti Social Behaviour) on All Alone Road, Wrose. This ASB included fly tipping, drug use, and using All Alone Road (between its junctions with Westfield Lane and Highfield Road) as a well known local route to evade pursuing Police Vehicles - (the road effectively being used as a ‘get-a-way’ route). It was also used by illegal quad bikes as part of the circuit from Ravenscliffe/Thorpe Edge to Windhill, Dockfield and beyond.


·         It was considered that (via means of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)) the provision of two gate across All Alone Road preventing vehicular access but allowing the unhindered passage of pedestrians and horse riders would help address fly tipping and drug abuse occurring along the road, and prevent it from being used as a means of evading police pursuit.


·         The combined cost of promoting a PSPO and providing two gates  would be in the region of £9000. Wrose Parish Council and residents had agreed a contribution towards the cost of the gates.


·         Alternative funding had been investigated, with a grant application being submitted to the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Safer Communities Fund.


A Wrose Parish Councillor attended the meeting and made the following comments:


·         Residents had come forward with a contribution towards the cost of the scheme which increased Wrose Parish Councils contribution to £3,000.

·         An application had been submitted to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office for funding.

·         The area had suffered for some time with fly tipping, drug use and using  All Alone Road as a route to evade pursuing Police Vehicles.

·         The scheme proposed would give access to emergency vehicles, horses, pushchairs, wheelchairs etc to pass through.


Residents of All Alone Road attended the meeting and spoke in support of the scheme, they made the following comments:


·         There was constant fly tipping, anti social behaviour and needles being left.

·         Fences had been set on fire; there were Police Car chases which resulted in vehicles damaging residents fences.

·         The cricket club had installed gates which had stopped the quad bikes going onto the pitch.

·         Residents would be making a financial contribution towards the scheme.

·         Asking the Committee for its support in making All Alone Road a better place.

·         Shipley Area Committee fully supported the scheme and hoped this Committee would do the same.


In response to a Member’s question it was reported that the Scheme would be advertised and open to challenge, any objections received  would be submitted to the Committee.


Members made the following comments:


·         Allowing the scheme would mean that the anti social behaviour would move to another area, there would still be illegal quad bikes and it would not stop fly tipping; the scheme would only work if carried out the whole way through; to make it work the scheme would have to be extended from Highfield Road to Westfield Lane.

·         Money should not be taken away from road safety schemes where children’s lives were at risk.

·         This scheme was no different to other similar schemes that were outstanding; there was no guarantee that the scheme would prevent fly tipping.

·         Why had Ward Councillors not been consulted?

·         Did not feel the scheme would solve the problems being experienced by residents.

·         The Committee had a lack of resources and had an outstanding programme of road safety measures of £973000 which could not be funded; some schemes had been on the list for 10 years; needed to prioritise schemes where there had been fatalities.

·         All Alone Road was not one of the top 10 hot spots for fly tipping.

·         The Police Crime Commissioner’s Office and Shipley Area Committee may wish to fund the scheme but Bradford East Area Committee did not have the budget.

·         In terms of fly tipping consideration needed to be given to installing CCTV in the area.




In response to Members’ questions it was reported that the area where the scheme was being proposed was very secluded and the scheme proposed would help in preventing fly tipping.


Resolved –


That due to the lack of resources the Committee is unable to fund the scheme.


(Regeneration, Planning and Transport Overview & Scrutiny Committee)



Supporting documents: