Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director Place will submit a report (Document “M”) which gives an update of work undertaken by the Keighley Neighbourhood Policing Team to address the “Safer Communities” priorities within the Keighley Area Ward Plans for 2016/17.


Recommended –


(1)       Keighley Area Committee notes the work undertaken by the       Keighley Neighbourhood Policing Team from April 2016 to July 2017 that contributed to addressing priorities within the Ward Plans for the Keighley Area.


(2)       Keighley Area Committee notes the positive partnership working          that has been established between the Police, Elected Members,             Parish and Town Councils, Bradford Council Officers, community      organisations, volunteers and residents within the Keighley Area.


(Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee)


(Jonathan Hayes - 01535 618008)


The Strategic Director Place submitted a report (Document “M”) which gave an update of work undertaken by the Keighley Neighbourhood Policing Team to address the “Safer Communities” priorities within the Keighley Area Ward Plans for 2016/17.


Police Inspector Khan, who had been in post in Keighley since September 2016, addressed the meeting to talk about his role in the area.  He explained that when he had arrived in the District he needed to understand the priorities of the police and local communities.  He had spoken to people in the Keighley area including the local Member of Parliament; Elected Members; partners and local groups.  At the top of his agenda had been the problem of drugs and anti social behaviour and Document “M” provided details of a number of initiatives to address those issues including Operation Saucerlake; Gangbos; Operation Steerside and a school watch scheme implemented in the area.


Following a very detailed presentation Inspector Khan was thanked for the production of a very informative report.  Members requested that future reports contained more detailed information about drug issues in the area.

A potential increase in racially aggravated crimes following recent terror activities was questioned and it was confirmed that no increases had been seen.  The community reaction to the visit to the area by the English Defence League had seen all faiths banding together.


Speed watch initiatives conducted in the Keighley West area were discussed and it was agreed that if Members advised the police of future schemes voluntary action could be coordinated with the police.


The threat of on line vigilante groups was raised and Members were assured that the police did liaise with such ‘key board warriors’.  A recent sexual attack on the verge of the Keighley West Ward was discussed and Members were concerned that they had not been contacted about that attack.  In response it was explained that contact had been made with elected Members.


Previous instances of a lack of communication between elected Members and the Police were raised as a matter of concern.  It was acknowledged that the situation had improved but there were still some issues with a lack of response to emails.  In response it was reported that there were additional Neighbourhood Police Teams and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) being deployed in the District and Members were requested to include Inspector Khan in their email communications.


The new format of the Ward Officer Team (WOT) meetings was discussed with a view being expressed by Members that they were held too infrequently and did not provide sufficient information.  The Area Co-ordinator confirmed that a review of those meetings was being undertaken and the frequency could be increased from the current 10 weeks.


Members questioned the percentage increase in crime in the Keighley constituency and were advised that this was approximately 25 to 30%.  It was explained that an increase in crime figures was being recorded as reporting method had now been amended.  Previous residential burglaries would have been recorded as one crime but now individual elements of that crime would all be recorded separately.


In response to questions Members were advised that the location of the new police station in the area would be announced shortly.


Resolved –


(1)          That the work undertaken by the Keighley Neighbourhood Policing Team from April 2016 to July 2017 that contributed to addressing priorities within the Ward Plans for the Keighley Area be noted.


(2)          That the positive partnership working that has been established between the Police, Elected Members, Parish and Town Councils, Bradford Council Officers, community organisations, volunteers and residents within the Keighley Area be noted.


ACTION: Strategic Director, Place


(Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee)



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