Local democracy

Agenda item


Previous reference: Minute 28 (2016/17)


The Strategic Director, Place, will present the annual report for the devolved Parks and Green Spaces Service (Document “H”).  The report reviews activity during the past year and also considers the significant issues that will have an effect over the coming 12 months with options where available for future service delivery, investment and savings.


Recommended –


1.    That the report be noted.


2.    That the investment of the Heritage Lottery Fund be welcomed and the efforts of the Cliffe Castle Park Conservation Group and other stakeholders in delivering the restoration of the park be acknowledged.


 (Environment and Waste Management Overview & Scrutiny Committee)

(Ian Wood - 01274 432648)




Previous reference: Minute 28 (2016/17)


The Strategic Director, Place presented the annual report for the devolved Parks and Green Spaces Service (Document “H”).  The report reviewed activity during the past year and also considered the significant issues that will have an effect over the coming 12 months with options where available for future service delivery, investment and savings.


The Bereavement & Amenity Manager, Sport & Culture Service gave a detailed overview of the report, stating that this was still a major service area, despite the cuts in funding over the years. He added that service delivery remained good in the context of the specification and that working closely with Friends of Groups & Local Parish/Town Councils was an important asset in terms of service delivery.


During the discussion Members asked a number of questions.  The questions together with the responses are detailed below:


Members welcomed the additions of the Bigbelly bins and ascertained the scope for rolling these out to other parts of the district, given their usefulness.  In response it was stated that currently there were only 2 of these bins in operational use, however they were expensive to purchase and there was no resources currently  to purchase additional bins.


A Member ascertained what arrangements were in place to prune trees as she was aware of a number of trees on the Grove that required attention.  In response it was stated that tree pruning was managed to a specification and although the Service would like to carry out works to a number of trees, only trees that were likely to cause damage, creating a highway obstruction or that were dangerous would be tended to, however routine inspection took place across the estate and remedial measures taken.


In relation to weed spraying, a Member raised concerns that she was aware of a number of areas in the Keighley West Ward where weeds were rampant and out of control and she questioned whether the contract was effective in controlling them.  In response it was stated that that there was no indication of missed sprays and that 3 sprays were undertaken as per the contract, however some areas were difficult to control and he urged Members to let him have details of any particular issues in their respective wards.


A Member stated that the winter gritting map had been reduced, despite other Council Services assisting with the task.  In response it was acknowledged that the gardeners and drivers in Parks & Bereavement assisted with the winter gritting and their input was now vital to the operation of the, albeit reduced,  service.  The efforts and dedication of Parks employees was recognised whilst carrying out this role which can be extremely challenging in some circumstances.                 


A Member queried whether the additional operational responsibilities taken on by the Parks Services had been the subject of a report to the Area Committee as this was a devolved service.  The officer response suggested that the matter was simply an extension of operations and as such had been regarded as a management decision


A Member queried the way Section 106 money was allocated and he urged for more transparency and consultation with Ward Members on how this funding was allocated.  In response it was explained that consultation did take place with Ward Councillors on how the money was spent, however it was not always possible to implement all the schemes suggested by Members due to the insufficient number of  technical staff.   In addition it was suggested that further clarification will be  provided to Members on how Section 106 money is allocated and spent in Keighley West and Ilkley.


In relation to a question on the opening of Cliffe Castle following its refurbishment, it was mentioned that the official opening would  be incorporated  into the Christmas event in early December.


In response to a question regarding larger events and the fees charged for such events, it was explained that this was an area being looked at in more detail, with a view to charging fees which were on a more commercial footing.


A Member suggested that in looking at proposals to generate more income by introducing car parking charges at Parks sites, the charges should be comparable with what other venues charged particularly in areas such as Ilkley where a wider car parking review had been recently completed.


Resolved –


(1)       That the report be noted.


(2)       That the investment of the Heritage Lottery Fund be welcomed and the efforts of the Cliffe Castle Park Conservation Group and other stakeholders in delivering the restoration of the park be       acknowledged.


(3)       That the Executive be requested that any future changes to the             delivery of services, that have powers devolved to the Area           Committee, are consulted with by the Area Committee before            implementation.


(4)       That officers explore further avenues of creating additional         income streams.


(5)       That officers bring a report back to the Area Committee over the effectiveness and efficiency of the highway weed spraying programme during 2017 including details of the schedule and comments, complaints and feedback received for the Area.


ACTION:       Strategic Director Place


 (Environment and Waste Management Overview & Scrutiny Committee)


(Ian Wood - 01274 432648)


Supporting documents: