Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director, Place will submit Document “L” which reports on the annual report for the devolved Parks & Green Spaces Service, it reviews activity during thepast year and also considers the significant issues that will have an effect over the coming 12 months with optionswhere available for future service delivery, investment and savings.




(1)       That the report (Document “L”) be noted.


(2)       That option 2 detailed at 9.1 of Document “L” be adopted for Bradford Moor Park.


(3)       That option 1 detailed in 9.2 of Document “L” be adopted for Peel Park Glasshouses.


(Environment and Waste Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee)


                                                            (Ian Wood – 01274 432648)



The Strategic Director, Place submitted Document “L” which gave the annual report for the devolved Parks & Green Spaces Service, reviewed activity during thepast year and also considered the significant issues that would have an effect over the coming twelve months with optionswhere available for future service delivery, investment and savings.


The Principal Parks and Green Spaces Manager and the Technical Manager, Technical Design attended the meeting and gave a presentation in respect of parks and green spaces within Bradford East throughout the year, highlighting in particular the work undertaken with the friends of Eccleshill War Memorial and the issues about the glasshouses at Peel Park and the lake at Bradford Moor Park.


In response to a question about restrictive covenants, Members were advised that where one was in place, the Charity Commission would need to be consulted and, if an asset was disposed of, the resulting income would have to be applied in furtherance of the charity’s principles. The Principal Manager undertook to provide details of the covenant concerned for Members’ information.


The officers were also questioned in respect of on-going repairs to a bridge in one of the parks and in respect of Section106 monies which arose from the planning process. They advised that the bridge works were still underway and that Section 106 monies had restrictions in place in respect of how they could be used; it was usual to consult with ward Members regarding their use. The Section 106 process had now been replaced with a formula funding process and parks and gardens was still one of the priorities listed under the new process.


A Member questioned the issue of repairs to playgrounds, querying whether there had been a lot this year. He was advised that it had been a difficult year for playgrounds and that a report was shortly due to be presented to the Executive on the issue.


In response to a question about the proposal for Bradford Moor Park, Members were advised that the issue to be consulted on was the proposal about in-filling of the lake to create a grassed area. It was stressed that the current lake was difficult to keep clean and that park users had been canvassed and were happy to have the area re-used, possibly for a cricket pitch. A Member was unsure about the proposal but was reminded that at this stage it was simply intended to consult on the matter and that it was important to provide a park that local people wanted to use.


A Member also queried whether funfairs were being charged a commercial rate to pitch in the District’s parks and was assured that they were. Members were also reassured that income from the parks in the area was used for maintenance of green spaces in Bradford East.


The Chair concluded the discussion by stating that events in Peel Park, such as the recent cycling event were extremely positive for the area and put its parks on the map.




(1)       That Document “L” be noted.


(2)       That option 2 detailed at paragraph 9.1 of Document “L” be adopted for Bradford Moor Park.


(3)       That option 1 detailed in paragraph 9.2 of Document “L” be adopted for Peel Park Glasshouses.


ACTON : Strategic Director, Place

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