Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director, Place will submit Document “J” which reports on two petitions relating to traffic matters. These are:


a)    Gladstone Street, Bradford – Request for permit parking


b)    Rowan Avenue, Bradford – Request for permit parking




(1)       That no action be taken on the request for permit parking on Gladstone Street, Bradford.

(2)       That the Police and wardens (including CCTV vehicle) increase passing patrols of Rowan Avenue and that residents be encourage to contact the council in respect of blocked drives.


(3)       That officers offer a school road safety assembly to Thornbury Academy.

(4)       That no action be taken on the request for permit parking on Rowan Avenue, Bradford.

(5)       That the petitioners are informed accordingly.

(Environment and Waste Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee)


                                                                        (Andrew Smith – 01274 434674)




The Strategic Director, Place submitted Document “J” which reported on two petitions relating to traffic matters. These were:


a)    Gladstone Street, Bradford – Request for permit parking


b)    Rowan Avenue, Bradford – Request for permit parking


The Principal Engineer, Traffic and Road Safety made a detailed presentation in respect of the request for permit parking on Rowan Avenue, including confirmation that the consultations which Members had previously requested had now taken place. It had been agreed that the Police and wardens would increase their patrols and that the CCTV car would include the area in its route. The Bradford East wardens would also run a parking assembly in the school nearest Rowan Avenue.


The ward officer also confirmed that the issue was particularly challenging as the problem was related to parking at school times and new parents arrived  each year which meant a constant process of informing and educating parents on responsible parking and walking to school wherever possible.


A Member noted that another Council had trained volunteer wardens to patrol outside schools and asked if that would be appropriate in this instance, possibly including parent volunteers would help with the problem. The ward officer undertook to look into that but it was reiterated that the Avenue did not meet the Council’s criteria for permit parking.


A local resident attended the meeting and highlighted the problems that were occurring on Rowan Avenue, including the potential risk to safety, particularly that of children attending the school; abusive behaviour by people who parked inconsiderately when challenged by residents and the potential for emergency services vehicles to be unable to access the Avenue.


In response to a Member question, the Principal Engineer explained that there was no provision in the current resident’s parking policy for schemes to be put in place to deal with time sensitive issues such as school time parking. However, the policy was due to be reviewed and that issue could be considered then.


Members discussed the issue of parking near schools generally, concurring that obstruction, threatening behaviour and abusive language were common problems.


In response to questions about permit parking and the construction of a turnaround, the ward officer advised that, if a home owner had their driveway blocked they could register the problem with him and wardens would then be able to issue a parking ticket to offending vehicles.


Members also registered their concerns that planning permission was given for new properties which meant that schools had to be extended and which also led to the type of problem being discussed in respect of Rowan Avenue.


Members then went on to discuss Gladstone Street and the Principal Officer, Traffic and Road Safety noted that the petitioner’s concern was that residents of nearby streets, people using the madrassa and the shops were parking on Gladstone Street, which was causing a problem for residents but again, the street did not meet the criteria for a resident’s parking scheme. He stressed that the main issue for this area was simply that it was very densely populated and could not accommodate all the residents’ cars.


Members concurred with that view and noted that the point of having a policy was to ensure consistency wherever such problems occurred across the District.


In response to Member question, the ward officer advised that, if a car had a valid MOT and insurance it could be parked at the road side indefinitely. If there was no MOT, the vehicle would be notified to the DVLA and if there was no insurance, the Police would be informed. The owner of such a vehicle would advised to remove their vehicle and, after a reasonable period, if no action was taken, the vehicle would be removed. The ward officer stressed that every effort was made to encourage car owners to deal with their own vehicle before enforcement action was taken.    




(1)       That no action be taken on the request for permit parking on Gladstone Street, Bradford.

(2)       That the Police and wardens (including CCTV vehicle) increase passing patrols of Rowan Avenue and that residents be encourage to contact the council in respect of blocked drives.


(3)       That officers offer a school road safety assembly to Thornbury Academy.

 (4)      That the ward officer be requested to approach the social landlord in respect of Rowan Avenue, Bradford to discuss what options could be progressed.

(5)       That Highways officers be requested to consider residents living in the vicinity of schools and how they can be accommodated under any new policy on permit parking.

(6)       That no action be taken on the request for permit parking on Rowan Avenue, Bradford.

(7)       That the petitioners are informed accordingly.

ACTION; Strategic Director, Place


Supporting documents: