Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “A”) will provide a progress update on the development of the new Economic Growth Strategy for the Bradford District.


Recommended –


(1)    Members may wish to respond to the draft economic strategy.


(2)    Members may wish to identify elements they consider to be essential to the strategy, particularly in terms of opportunities and areas on which to focus action.


(Kate McNicholas – 01274 431761)


The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “A”) provided a progress update on the development of the new Economic Growth Strategy for the Bradford District.


The Strategic Director gave a synopsis of the report. He began by stating that Metro Dynamics (a company with experience in public and private sectors, expertise in the field of finance, economics, politics and communications and able to influence a drive towards change)had been commissioned to produce an intelligence base and emerging economic narrative.


A programme of engagement was underway until the end of July, and included discussions with existing business and partner networks through a programme of themed networks. Networks attended include the People and Innovation Board, Regeneration and Prosperity Forum, Bradford Breakthrough, Place Board, and Chamber networks including the Property Forum and Employment Land group.


Feedback from the workshops had been incorporated into the draft strategy and would be shared on the Economic Growth Strategy website. The website was also hosting a citizen’s survey on perceptions about the district’s economy, and a draft framework for the strategy that brought together inputs from the above would be posted.


The observations made by Metro Dynamics were used to underpin the Draft Bradford Economic Strategy: Growing Together 2017 – 2030 for the Bradford District.


Following introduction, the Chair initiated a question and answer session, as follows:


·         How positive was the vision in relation to a key message within the draft strategy, the “ambition to be the fastest growing economy in the UK over the next 10 years”?

o   The art of accelerating to the very top was the concept of having ambition by thinking bigger;

·         The neighbouring districts would equally make an effort to improve their economic growth therefore what plan or visionary ideas had the Council in mind that would give this district an overall favourable advantage to accelerate ahead of neighbours?

o   Scale and speed was paramount with the elements specific actions and approaches that could be taken forward in order to maximise opportunities as identified in the draft strategy. Improving educational achievement, ensuring adequate housing affordability, to identify business growth, the development of transport infrastructure including connectivity with neighbouring districts, influencing an interest in technology amongst the young entrepreneurial population, identifying innovative methods to make better use of empty mills, to develop a business covenant to encourage businesses to consider recruitment, retention and progression routes whilst ensuring the Council’s procurement review supported local economic growth and to develop a shared sense of confidence and potential;

·         Relating to the engagement process, what businesses had been targeted and what kind of feedback had been received?

o   Feedback was mostly on the factors of the strategy the Council had in mind as its long term vision and matters relating to investment for Bradford;

o   It was paramount that the Council had a clear same level focus with companies and to achieve this, 30 companies who employed over a 100 employees had been visited;

o   Following visits, it was established that companies were not employing low skilled employees nevertheless if it came to light that a specific type of skills were required by employees in order for recruitment purposes, the Council would be prepared to invest for into training for the purpose of future growth. On the flip side, every business visited required new candidates with specific skills, yet Bradford was known as a low skilled region;

·         Had businesses comprising of less than a 100 employees been approached for their feedback?

o   It was the bigger businesses that drove economic growth however smaller companies were also recognised;

·         There were so many young people with no job, skills or a brighter future therefore in reflection of past experiences the Council had failed in its duty to succeed. What different plans had been formed on this occasion in terms of bringing skills, jobs and prosperity to the district?

o   In reflection of past experiences, the Council had moved on and factors had been recognised in the draft strategy that would make Bradford’s economy a prosperous one. In order to differentiate from past focuses, previous actions utilised would no longer be progressed.

o   Bradford schools were participating fantastic work with young people and this progress was being made from the time a child began in Early Years therefore Education being a key focus and progression was being made in Bradford.

o   The willingness of partnering with universities, schools was at a co-ordinated peak.

o   The Council would also be pursuing the knowledge for insight into what skills employers were looking for at present and the future in order to relay important feedback to the education system through a co-ordinated approach;

·         In relation to transport infrastructure, how would this fit with the Air Quality Policy in the district?

o   The Council was addressing congested hot spots in the city and was working with officers in Leeds City Council to create Clean Air Zones; and,

Was this Council working with or competing with Leeds? Working with Leeds and if Bradford and Leeds being together would make the two cities larger than bigger cities.


In conclusion, it was commented that Bradford was a crucial element of the district and providing vision for the city was a paramount feature. Incorporating Air Quality into the strategy was vital in favouring health and the environment. It was about achieving on all accounts as opposed to a limited number of actions in order to prevail at the very end, therefore:


Resolved –


(1)       That the views and comments expressed by the Regeneration and Economy Overview Scrutiny Committee be taken into consideration during the formation of the draft strategy.


(2)       That the Economic Strategy Action Delivery Plan be reported to this Committee when finalised.


ACTION: Strategic Director, Place



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