Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director Place (Document “V”) will update Members on the City Centre Markets.


Recommended –


That Members are asked to note Document “V” and to recommend a future report once any regeneration proposals for the City Markets are proposed.


(Colin Wolstenholme – 01274 432243)


The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “V”) updated Members on Bradford’s City Centre Markets.


The Markets Manager was present at the meeting and gave a synopsis of the report. In addition, he provided the Committee with a PowerPoint presentation which detailed an in depth analysis of Oastler Centre (OC) and Kirkgate Market (KM):


A question and answer session ensued:

·         Since the vacancy level of units was 10% above the national average, what kind of businesses had closed?

o   Mostly general business stores that had only been operating within a 2 year period had closed. The businesses that had been operating for many years were still in operation but the opening of the Broadway had resulted in the downward trend of footfall hence a further reason for businesses closing permanently;

·         Was the average occupancy level rate of OC was 77%, was this considered as a high percentage?

o   This was unclear as it was not certain on the occupancy level rates of markets in other cities;

·         Were markets continuously following the tradition of closing during Wednesday afternoons?

o   This was a thing of the past and the Bradford City Centre Markets were no longer following an old tradition;

·         Was the Council still spending money on paper media advertisement campaigns as opposed to electronic means?

o   Customers had become socially media savvy over the course of past few years and therefore the Council had adopted the use of electronic media for existing customers in addition to attracting new customers;

·         Had the markets been advertised in the Telegraph and Argus?

o   Yes but had little impact. As a consequence, advertising would have to entail a more tailored focused approach;

·         In terms of demographics, who were the majority of customers shopping in both markets?

o   Majority were the over 55 year olds;

·         Why were traders reluctant to operate on Sundays?

o   The Council was keen on Sunday trading but on the flip side, wholesalers were closed on Sundays. Nevertheless, the Council was keen to promote Sunday shopping;

·         Were traders offered assistance on how to grow their businesses?

o   The offer of a national trading programme was available but it was important to focus on new businesses equally assisting old businesses to change with the times. The Council had access to business advisers and other network of support for traders; and,


During the discussion, the Committee, the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning & Transport and officers made the following comments:

·         The old Morrisons (Westgate site) had to be addressed as a key to a future regeneration. Of course the footfall around Westgate had reduced and now needed to be addressed. It was about researching and then deliberating on how to achieve an increase number of customers in the coming years;

o   In response to comment, it was acknowledged that there was a decline of customers for both markets which was anticipated due to the inception of Broadway. The OC was linked with the old Morrisons but due to closure of the supermarket had resulted in the decreasing numbers of customers;

·         Following discussions with traders, the general feedback was concerns expressed relating to the reduced numbers of shoppers;

·         There were a number of businesses that were not opening and closing during specific trading hours;

o   In response to comment, Market centres were opened to shoppers on a timely basis but some traders were only arriving when they wished and therefore the service was contemplating on whether conditions be put into the leasing of units relating to opening and closing of market stalls. Nevertheless, in relation to daily trading, traders were independent and could not be expected to open 7 days a week;

·         OC was very much different to KM therefore in terms of rationale assumption, every customer would have an individual preference therefore it was paramount that both markets were promoted in allowance to their unique identity in order to capture individual customers suited to respective markets; and,

·         The city centre bus stop was in front of the OC but due to the anticipated discontinued bus service could easily be a contributing factor towards the reduce levels of footfall.


Resolved –


That Document “V” be noted and that once any regeneration proposals for the City Centre Markets are proposed, a report outlining the proposals be presented to the Regeneration and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


ACTION: Strategic Director, Place



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