Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director, Place will submit Document “AB” which considers objections received from local businesses to a Traffic Regulation Order to introduce waiting restrictions and limited waiting restrictions on Greengate Road, Keighley.




That Members be mindful of the options outlined within Section 9 of Document “AB” when making a resolution, and the objectors be advised accordingly.


                                                            (Simon D’Vali – 01535 618181)





The Strategic Director, Place submitted Document “AB” which considered objections received from local businesses to a Traffic Regulation Order to introduce waiting restrictions and limited waiting restrictions on Greengate Road, Keighley.


The Principal Engineer provided a summary of the report during which he informed Members that he had previously received representations outlining concerns about parking issues on Greengate Road from businesses operating in the area; there were no restrictions currently on Greengate Road; a number of businesses required vehicular access, some of a HGV nature;  the current situation was causing difficulties for vehicles to access some properties; meetings had been held with all interested parties that fronted onto Greengate Road to discuss ways to alleviate concerns; the proposals contained in Appendix 1 of the report were produced following these discussions and after much negotiations.


In response to Members’ questions, it was reported that:


·         The cost of advertising the TRO was the total cost for the scheme.

·         The proposed scheme did not please all businesses consulted but was considered the best way to alleviate current parking and access difficulties whilst ensuring access to the highway.

·         The Committee could decide to reduce the restrictions advertised but to make them more onerous would require advertising an additional TRO.

·         Some business owners in the area supported some of the restrictions that had been objected to by other businesses.

·         There were existing ‘no waiting at any time restrictions’ at the Greengate Road/Worth Way junction.

·         ‘One-way only’ restrictions on Greengate Road had been considered during the consultation with businesses but had not been favoured.

·         It was not considered that speeding on Greengate Road would be an issue if the proposals were introduced as it was a busy thoroughfare.


A Member stated he had concerns about the increased likelihood of an accident following the proposals due to the ability of drivers to speed without parked cars on Greengate Road if the proposals were introduced.


A Ward Councillor addressed the Committee to support the proposals and stated that he had been approached by businesses in the area with complaints about obstructions caused to their properties due to parked vehicles.  He considered the proposed scheme to be the best solution for all businesses concerned and urged the Committee to approve it.


A representative of a business on Greengate Road addressed the Committee.  He spoke of the benefits of his business for the local community and raised concerns about where business users would park if the proposed scheme was approved; the impact the proposals would have on the value of the properties; that he considered Greengate Road would become a rat-run and traffic would increase; that he considered the proposals would lead to the Council having to spend more time and money to rectify the problems the proposals would cause in future; and that 80% of the businesses agreed that ‘2 hours no return’ parking was the best solution.


Another representative of a business on Sunderland Street addressed the Committee.  He stated that he relied on access to parking 9am-5pm as this was when he received the vast majority of customers; he considered the proposals would transfer the issue to Sunderland Street; he considered the proposals could make his business financially unviable;  and he considered the proposals to be overbearing and believed they should be reconsidered.


A Member commented that there was alternative parking available within the vicinity of Greengate Road.


Following consideration of the alternative proposals submitted by objectors (as detailed in Appendix 3 and 4), Members were informed that vehicles that currently parked on Greengate Road parked partly on the footway which caused restrictions to pedestrian access; if they parked fully on the carriageway access to properties would be restricted.


Resolved –


The proposed TRO to introduce waiting restrictions and limited waiting restrictions on Greengate Road, Keighley as shown on Drawing No. TDG/THN/AK/103211/TRO-1A (attached as Appendix 1 to Document “AB”) be approved, sealed and implemented as formally advertised, and the objectors be advised accordingly subject to the following amendment:


The original Proposed No Waiting Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm restriction - Single Yellow Line on the east side of Greengate Road be amended to a Proposed No Waiting Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm restriction on the east side of Greengate Road - Single Yellow Line, and this Single Yellow Line restriction be extended in a southerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.


Overview and Scrutiny Area: Environment and Waste Management

Action: Strategic Director, Place

Supporting documents: