Local democracy

Agenda item


The Chief Executive will submit a Second Addendum to the report presented

to the meeting of Executive on 7 February 2017(Document “BA”), which

provides additional feedback received from the public engagement and

consultation programme which ended on 12 February 2107, and sets out a

summary of the equality assessments carried out on the Executive’s Budget

proposals for 2017-18 and 2018-19.


Recommended –


That in accordance with Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, the

Executive has regard to the information contained in Document “BA”,

the appendices and equality assessments to that report and the First

Addendum presented to Executive on 7 February 2017, together with the

information contained in this Second Addendum when considering the

recommendations to make to the Council on a budget for 2017-18 and

2018-19 on 23 February 2017.


(Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Committee)

(Dave Preston – 01274 431241)





The Chief Executive submitted a Second Addendum  to the report presented

to the meeting of the Executive  held on 7 February 2017(Document “BA”),

which provided additional feedback received from the public engagement and

consultation programme which ended on 12 February 2107, and set

out a summary of the equality assessments carried out on the Executive’s

Budget proposals for 2017-18 and 2018-19.


During the consultation process a total of 1009 comments had been received

on the budget proposals.  Significantly 2 petitions had also recently been

received, with a 950 signature petition requesting the Council to retain the

Denholme Mechanics Institute, and a 28 signature petition from the Baildon

Crown Green Bowling Club asking the Council to continue its upkeep of

bowling greens.


In addition written responses had been received from all 3 local Clinical

Commissioning Groups, the Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust,

Bradford Chamber of Commerce and the Bradford Safeguarding Adults

Board. All the written response relating to the proposals had been reported

back to the Departments to review the comments.


In light of the responses received, the Equality Impact Assessments had been

updated and the impact the various proposals will have on the protected



The Leader welcomed the comments received in relation to adult social care,

and in response to a question regarding the number of responses received

during the consultation process compared to previous years, it was stressed

that the number was similar.


The Portfolio Holders confirmed that they had reviewed the revised equality

impact assessments relating to their respective areas of responsibility.


The Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder ascertained the reasons behind the

Care Trust being critical about the consultation process.  In response the

Strategic Director Corporate Services confirmed that he and the Strategic

Director Health and Wellbeing had met with the Care Trust in early November

on the proposals, so they had been fully consulted.  The Strategic Director

Health and Wellbeing added that their concerns might be related to other

issues besides the budget.


The Leader stated that a number of public sector organisations were facing

financial constraints and she appreciated the level of anxiety out there.


A representative from Denholme Town Council was present at the meeting and spoke in relation to the budget proposals for community halls and specifically Denholme Mechanics Institute. She stated that the petition had been signed by over 900 people, which gave you a sense of feeling and concern in the community.  That the Institute was  a special place which provided a focal point for people in the village, in particular the elderly.  The Town Councillor added that closure of the Institute would particularly impact on the elderly as they would feel isolated and that community groups would have no other building they could utilise.  That since 1880, Denholme Mechanics Institute had been at the heart of the village, providing an educational and recreational space, and its closure would be detrimental to the life of the village.


A Ward Councillor representing the area endorsed the above comments, stating that Denholme was a particularly distinct community, with a population of approximately 3,500 people, so the level of feeling was high.  He added that the Institute was the only facility in the village, providing multifarious activities.  In addition he cited the age of the building made asset transfer problematic, as it was unlikely anyone would take up the managing of such a building without some transitional funding being made available for its upkeep, and he urged the Executive to reconsider its proposals.


A representative from the Baildon Crown Green Bowling Club was also present at the meeting and stated that the budget proposals  for Bowling Clubs would have a severe impact on the viability of the clubs.  He stated that bowling was a universals sport enjoyed by people from all walks of life, where different ages could come together and compete at a sport on a equal footing.  That people gave up their valuable time and that the clubs fully appreciated the expert maintenance and upkeep provided by the Council, and that this support was paramount to the running of the clubs. He suggested that the Council work with the respective clubs to find an amicable solution, otherwise the comradeship, exercise and the benefits to health the sport provided will be lost.


Resolved -


That in accordance with Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, the

Executive has regard to the information contained in Document “BA”,

the appendices and equality assessments to that report and the First

Addendum presented to Executive on 7 February 2017, together with the

information contained in this Second Addendum when considering the

recommendations to make to the Council on a budget for 2017-18 and

2018-19 on 23 February 2017.


ACTION:       Chief Executive



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