Local democracy

Agenda item



The Director of Strategy, Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Groupwill submit a report (Document “AG”) which provides an update on the priorities, recent initiatives and public engagement activities by Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group.


Recommended –


Bradford South Area Committee is asked to note the contents of this report.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Health and Wellbeing


                                                                                    (Sue Jones - 01274 237546)



The Director of Strategy, Bradford District’s Clinical Commissioning Group           

submitted a report (Document “AG”) which provided an update on the priorities, recent initiatives and public engagement activities by Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group.


The Director gave a brief overview of the CCG’s recent activities in priority areas which were detailed in the report.  She drew attention to the following key areas:


Sustainability and transformation plan – which was a partnership approach between the NHS and Bradford Council. The Plan included prevention and early intervention focus on children, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory illnesses and mental wellbeing.


The STP brought together a number of programmes of work which were alluded to, such as asking GPs to implement a new scheme which meant pharmacies would no longer be able to order repeat prescriptions on patients’ behalf.


During the discussion Members asked a number of questions.  The questions together with the responses are detailed below:


A number of Members expressed their concerns at the changes to the ordering of repeat prescriptions, stressing that the changes would have an adverse impact on the elderly and vulnerable patients.  In response it was explained that there was evidence of the overprescribing of medicines and that by bringing the service back to GPs, would offer better control.


A Member stated that he was uncomfortable with the rationale given and that a number of his constituents’ lived some miles away from their nearest surgery, which was not always on a convenient bus route and he was particularly concerned about these patients.


In response it was explained the prescription could be ordered online.  A Member commented that this was not always feasible given the age of some of these patients and that patients were being punished, for a system that pharmacists should be administering.


A Member stated the a Doctor patient review of their prescriptions did not always take place on a regular basis.


A Member commented that she supported the changes.


In response to a question regarding what was meant by clinical thresholds, it was explained that this involved placing certain restrictions in treatment for patients who were smokers or obese, however these thresholds were not being applied in Bradford.


A Member stated that no mention had been made in the report regarding that rates for cancer screening in the context of Bradford South, which had the highest mortality rates for cancer.  The Area Coordinator suggested that this could be included in a report from Public Health being considered by this Committee at its next meeting.


In relation to a question regarding the prescribing of over counter medicines, it was explained that although GPs could not be stopped from prescribing, there was now a shift in encouraging patients to buy some medicine themselves.  A Member commented that if patients were entitled to free prescriptions then all medicines should be available to them, including over counter medicines.


In relation to mental wellbeing, concerns were expressed around waiting times and how it exacerbated an individual’s mental health.


In response to a question around winter pressures being faced by the NHS, it was explained that a number of measures had and were in the process of being introduced to ease the pressures, including better management of the triage system, improving patient flows including discharging of patients in a timely manner.


Resolved –


That the report be noted and in consultation with Public Health a report be brought on the high rates of cancer in Bradford South and strategy to reduce cancer rates within the area.


ACTION:  Director of Strategy Bradford CCG / Director of Public Health


Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Health and Wellbeing


Supporting documents: