Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director of Children’s Services will submit Document “AI” which provides an update to the report presented to the Committee in 2016 regarding the issue of child sexual exploitation (CSE). It sets out the arrangements that have been put in place, and which continue to develop, to safeguard children from CSE.


Recommended –


(1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  The Committee is invited to consider ways in which CSE can be tackled at a local level.


(Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee)

(Jenny Cryer – 01274 434333)


The Strategic Director of Children’s Services submitted Document “AI” which provided an update to the report presented to the Committee in 2016 regarding the issue of child sexual exploitation (CSE). It set out the arrangements that have been put in place, and which continue to develop, to safeguard children from CSE.


The Assistant Director, Performance, Partnership and Commissioning provided an overview of the report.  Members were informed that information and learning from the Autumn Serious Case Review and Barnardo’s Night Watch initiative was available on the Bradford Safeguarding Children Board (BSCB) website.  She stated that, of the 359 children managed by the CSE Hub across the district, 30 resided within the Shipley constituency and of these one child (3%) was considered to be at high risk, 27% medium risk and 70% low risk.  The ages of the children ranged from 11-18 years.  15% of children at risk in the Shipley constituency were male. Ward data showed that Windhill and Wrose had the highest number of at risk children and Wharfedale had the least.


Superintendent Damien Miller spoke of the partnership approach to tackle CSE between the local authority and West Yorkshire Police.


In response to Members’ questions, it was reported that:


·         A Section 11 Audit was undertaken annually on external youth service providers to ensure safe systems and processes were in place in relation to safeguarding.

·         On-line CSE training had been undertaken by all elected Members in Bradford and would be extended to all Town and Parish Councillors.

·         The play ‘Mr Shapeshifter’ had been delivered in 60% of primary schools across the district.  Schools in hot spot areas had initially been targeted but the ambition was for it to be delivered to all year 6 primary school children.

·         The numbers of people prosecuted were not available at the meeting but perpetrators were consistently being jailed (as reported in the local media).

·         The level of support available for victims varied and depended on what they had been through, however, some did not view themselves as victims. 

·         Risk levels were regularly monitored to ensure the correct risk level was assigned.

·         The number of cases in Bradford had not significantly increased due to allegations of historical child sex abuse claims by former footballers.  The Independent Chair of BSCB had written to all sports clubs in Bradford offering support.


Members commended the play ‘Somebody’s Sister, Somebody’s Daughter’ which had been delivered in secondary schools and the current play ‘Mr Shapeshifter’ which was currently being delivered to primary schools.  Members who had seen the plays had found them informative and interactive and encouraged Members who had not seen them to do so.  The Chair requested that a list of schools and dates where ‘Mr Shapeshifter’ was due to be delivered be circulated to Members.


A Member stated that she had good links with schools in her ward (Windhill and Wrose) and could encourage take up of the play.  Another Member queried which schools in Baildon had taken up the play.  The Assistant Director stated she would check and let them know.


The Chair thanked officers for the report and the answers provided to Members’ questions.


Resolved –


(1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the Committee, in its decisions, consider ways in which CSE can be tackled at a local level.


(3)  That partner organisations be thanked for their contributions in working with the local authority to tackle CSE.



ACTION: Strategic Director, Children’s Services

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