Local democracy

Agenda item


Bradford’s Families First (Phase 2) will identify and deliver interventions to 5,990 families by March 2020 against locally agreed Payment by Results targets. We have now engaged 1509 families since September 2014. Council and key partners are ensuring a sustained and assertive effort to meet agreed targets. We are now implementing the new Early Help structure and offer which aligns key services and support to our Families First interventions and outcomes


The report of the Assistant Director, Children’s Social Care (Document “X”) outlines the multi agency work to deliver the Bradford’s District wide Early Help/Families First Programme which forms part of the National Troubled Families Programme.


Recommended –


(1)       That the Bradford West Area Committee notes Document “X”.


(2)       To note the need for a continued assertive and intensive approach to reach, engage and improve outcomes for the agreed number of families. A whole system approach will be required to reach and engage these families lead by the Targeted Early Help Service, other key Council teams and wider partners and commissioned services


(Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee)


(Martin Stenton – 01274 432558)



Bradford’s Families First (Phase 2) was to identify and deliver interventions to 5,990 families by March 2020 against locally agreed Payment by Results targets. It had engaged with 1509 families since September 2014. Council and key partners were ensuring a sustained and assertive effort to meet agreed targets. It was implementing the new Early Help structure and offer which aligns key services and support the Families First interventions and outcomes


The report of the Assistant Director, Children’s Social Care (Document “X”) outlined the multi agency work to deliver the Bradford’s District wide Early Help/Families First Programme which forms part of the National Troubled Families Programme.


The Service Manager for Clusters was present and gave a synopsis of the report.


Following presentation, a question and answer session ensued:

·         Was this programme being shared with different faith organisations, community organisations and other areas throughout Bradford?

o   There was partnerships work on going with some faith schools and the team was in process of progressing with building relations with various groups;

·         For the purpose of reaching a wider community, had the potential for linking this project with other on going projects been considered?

o   This project was a in-service referral and the team did not wish to interfere on already on going successful projects that were focused on different themes. Nevertheless this project was targeting hard to get to families and the team had built some partnerships that would make a positive difference;

·         Thornton and Allerton had an unfortunate high level of residents with health issues therefore in terms of a geographical level what was the breakdown of analysis of health issues for each ward within the Bradford West area?

o   The data received was dissimilar ward by ward. Data that caused significant concerns was followed up and the team worked closely with the Social Services and schools. The team had enough data now to breakdown and zone into specific areas;

§  As a ward Councillor, a breakdown of data would be of substance for the purpose of addressing concerns of the community to a Community Development Ward meeting.


During the discussion, the Committee highlighted that a breakdown of details would be helpful for Members so that they could assist due to their own community networking. There had been some criticism in getting to families that were in need of assistance. In addition to Ward Councillor, there were many community workers who would not be aware of concerns and therefore a breakdown of analysis on a ward by ward basis would be of significance and in favour of Bradford Families First.


Resolved –


(1)       That Document “X” be noted.


(2)       That the need for a continued assertive and intensive approach to reach, engage and improve outcomes for the agreed number of families be noted. A whole system approach will be required to reach and engage these families lead by the Targeted Early Help Service, other key Council teams and wider partners and commissioned services.


(3)       That a progress report be presented to this Area Committee in 12 month’s time, highlighting the achievements in Phase 2 of the Families First Project.



ACTION:       Deputy Director – Social Care


Supporting documents: