Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Place, (Document “U”) presents budget proposals pertaining to the Environment and Waste Overview and Scrutiny Committee which were approved for consultation by the Executive on 6 December 2016.


Comments on the budget proposals are requested to inform the consultation process.


Recommended –


That the report be noted.

(Steve Hartley – 01274 434748)


The report of the Strategic Director, Place, (Document “U”) presented budget proposals pertaining to the Environment and Waste Overview and Scrutiny Committee which were approved for consultation by the Executive on 6 December 2016.


Comments on the budget proposals were requested to inform the consultation process.


The Strategic Director, Place, provided the background to the report including the rationale for the proposals; the message from the Executive regarding the Council’s revenue and capital spending plans from 2017/18 to 2020/21 and the alignment of resources to the Council’s priorities. 


The Assistant Director, Planning Transportation and Highways presented the proposals in detail for transport issues and the Strategic Director, Place, detailed the impact on Waste and Street Scene Services.  The proposals were appended to Document “U”.


Following a detailed presentation a number of issues were raised:-


  • Were street lighting reductions achieving the savings anticipated and would the programme be rolled out across the district?


  • Bradford had the highest rate of child deaths on the road.  Consideration of areas for street lighting reductions and other proposals should be calculated taking into account the activities in that area.  To allocate reductions in one ward may impact on children from other areas who access that area to school.  Finances should be targeted objectively and proposals should be considered on nature of the area not by ward.


  • It would be difficult to explain the proposals to residents and communication should be upfront and inform residents of the likely impact.


  • It appeared that the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) was not enduring the level of cuts that Bradford was.  It was hoped that Bradford would make a case about the impact of the cuts in Bradford, for example, teaching children to cross the road may have to cease and all residents were being asked to pay more for less.


  • Had there been sufficient significance given to the provision of public toilets for visitors to the area?  It was good to see that discussions were in place with Town and Parish Councils regarding that provision.



In response it was explained:-


  • The budget proposal related to an extension of the street lighting limited switch-off programme which was already underway.  The size of the saving proposed represented approximately two more areas being considered.    There were a lot of criteria involved in selecting sites suitable for limited switch-off and careful consideration must be undertaken to ensure areas with specific problems were not included in the programme.  Any criminal occurring in these areas would be monitored using data from West Yorkshire Police and that information would be brought to Members as it became available.  The savings achieved were dependant on the type of lights and energy consumption and there were a range of different cost models which were not contained in the report.


  • Identifying areas of risk by location not ward was a good point and would be fed back to Executive Colleagues.


  • The Enforcement Team had now been amalgamated into the Neighbourhood Teams and resources were allocated by place.  The change had made a demonstrable difference and, as an example, the increased numbers of prosecutions for fly tipping were reported.


  • Fifty per cent of WYCA commitments were mandatory.  At the end of the four year period the reduction in discretionary spend would be 20%.


  • Discussions would continue to consider how the Council could work with Town and Parish Councils to assist them with the provision of public toilets.



Resolved –


(1)  That officers be thanked for their informative report and presentation.


(2)  That the report be noted.


ACTION: Strategic Director, Place

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