Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director Environment and Sport will submit a report (Document “AT”) which sets out objections and other proposals suggested in response to the formal advertisement of amendments to the Off–Street Parking Places Consolidation Order 2015.


Recommended –


That the objections are overruled and the Off-street Parking Places Consolidation Order 2015 is amended to incorporate the changes highlighted in Appendix A – ‘proposed tariffs’.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Environment and Waste Management


                                                                        (Louise Williams - 01274 431066)



The Strategic Director Environment and Sport submitted a report (Document “AT”) which set out objections and other proposals suggested in response to the formal advertisement of amendments to the Off–Street Parking Places Consolidation Order 2015.


The Assistant Director Neighbourhoods and Customer Services stated that following the consultation process, 106 objections had been received on the various proposals, including a petition.


The Regeneration, Planning and Transport Portfolio Holder stated that he had visited Baildon, and welcomed the opportunity to talk to businesses and ward Councillors about the proposals and that he would continue this dialogue after the proposals had been implemented, to assess its impacts.


A Baildon Ward Councillor was present at the meeting and thanked the Portfolio Holder for visiting Baildon and looking at the issues, stating that if the charges were introduced, the impact on the businesses should be monitored.


Another Baildon Councillor stated that the net revenue raised from parking would be miniscule, however the impact on businesses would be significant.  In addition the proposals would have the effect of shoppers going to areas where there was free parking, and she urged the Executive to reconsider its proposals.


A Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Parish Councillor was present at the meeting and stated that the removal of the 30 minutes parking on Gas Street would have a particularly detrimental impact on businesses and local residents.  He added that businesses were already struggling, and if they were to close, the Council  would be worst off, as there would be corresponding loss in business rates.


A Ward Councillor for the Worth Valley area stressed that parking in the area was already difficult and that the proposals would lead to increased on street parking, posing an increased accident risk.


In relation to the proposals for Shipley, a business owner expressed his concerns at the proposed parking charges and stressed that there had not been any prior parking issues he was aware of, and that the proposals could jeopardise businesses and other options should be explored.


In response to some of the points raised, the Assistant Director stressed that the proposals would create consistency across the district.


The Portfolio Holder stated that car parking charges in Bradford were still lower than many of its West Yorkshire counterparts and that much needed income would be generated from the proposals, as well as standardising charges across the district.  In addition he would like to continue the conversation with Ward Councillors and the business affected on the impact of the proposals once they were implemented.

The Leader highlighted that she did not underestimate the issue and the point that had been raised, however a balance had to be struck between priorities and the difficult financial situation the Council found itself in.


Resolved –


That the objections be overruled and the Off-street Parking Places Consolidation Order 2015 is amended to incorporate the changes highlighted in Appendix A to Document “AT”– ‘proposed tariffs’.


ACTION:       Strategic Director Place


Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Environment and Waste Management


Supporting documents: