Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director of Environment and Sport will submit Document “AE” which sets out the Community Building Grants allocation process.  Community Building Grants are for Voluntary and Community Sector organisations to support them in meeting their associated building related costs.


Recommended –


(1)       That the proposed allocation process for Community Building Grants be noted.  


(2)       That the Shipley Area Co-ordinator be requested to organise meetings of the Area Committee’s Grant Advisory Group to consider Community Building Grant applications for funding from groups within the Shipley  Area. 


(3)       That the Shipley Area Co-ordinator submit a further report to a meeting within the 2016-17 municipal year with recommendations from the Grant Advisory Group on how to allocate the Community Building Grants funds available. 


(Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee)

(Amria Khatun – 01274 437467)


The Strategic Director of Environment and Sport submitted Document “AE” which set out the Community Building Grants allocation process.  It was explained that Community Building Grants were for Voluntary and Community Sector organisations to support them in meeting their associated building related costs.


A summary of the report was provided, drawing Members’ attention to the review undertaken of the different types of support given to the VCS which was led by the Strategic Director of Environment and Sport.  A breakdown of the allocated amount for each Area Committee was highlighted as stated in paragraph 2.10 of the report.  It was recommended that the Committee’s Grant Advisory Group (GAG) consider Community Building Applications for the Shipley constituency area.


The report also outlined that a ring-fenced allocation would be made available to organisations supporting district-wide activity and community of interest groups; this would be allocated by the Bradford West Area Committee due to several district wide organisations being based in the city centre. It was proposed that Members from each Area Committee would form a small group to make referrals to Bradford West Area Committee to assist in the allocation of this support.


Officers from Revenues and Benefits, Estates Management and the Monitoring Officer were in attendance to answer Members’ questions.


In response to a Member’s question it was reported that approximately 150 groups that currently received buildings related support and community development funding were consulted and informed of the application process, as well as partner organisations. 


The Chair stated that he expected officers from Revenues and Benefits and Estates Management to attend the GAG meetings and provide the relevant information in relation to the groups that had submitted applications, alternative sources of support available to each one and any information about the future use of community halls prior to the meetings.  GAG members would then be able to decide if they required any additional information to form their recommendations to the Area Committee.  Assurances were given that this information would be forthcoming and officers would attend the GAG meetings.


It was agreed that information would be provided to Members, via the Area Co-ordinator, about the bidding process and which groups had been informed so that Members could flag up any groups they considered would benefit from the process that were not listed.


The Portfolio Holder explained that the formula used to allocate the funding to constituency areas took into account deprivation levels as well as the overall decease in funding.  This was considered to be the most equitable way of dividing the funding across the district.  He considered the allocation process via Area Committees was more transparent than the funding being allocated by the Executive and also allowed for Members’ local knowledge to be taken into account.


Resolved –


(1)       That the proposed allocation process for Community Building Grants be noted.  


(2)       That the Shipley Area Co-ordinator be requested to organise meetings of the Area Committee’s Grant Advisory Group to consider Community Building Grant applications for funding from groups within the Shipley  Area. 


(3)       That the Shipley Area Co-ordinator submit a further report to a meeting within the 2016-17 municipal year with recommendations from the Grant Advisory Group on how to allocate the Community Building Grants funds available. 



ACTION: Strategic Director, Environment and Sport

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