Local democracy

Agenda item


Members are advised that Bradford’s first Cycle Strategy was produced in 2012 and endorsed by this Committee. Since 2012 there have been a number of changes relating to boosted regional cycling development ambitions (post Tour de France) and corresponding changes in both regional strategic guidance and increases in cycling related funding.


In the light of these changes the partnership behind the original strategy (local cycling community, key cycling charities and the Council) have undertaken to update and improve the Cycle Strategy.


The Committee is asked to consider Document “M” which presents the improved format of the Cycle Strategy and associated Action Plan. Also presented with the report is the proposed cycling reporting structure for future reporting to the Committee.


Recommended –


(1)  That the Environment and Waste Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider and comment on the Bradford District Cycling Strategy and Action Plan.


(2)  That a further report be presented to this Committee in 12 months on progress against the delivery of the strategy as well as projects within the Action Plan.


(Tom Jones – 01274 434983)


Members were advised that Bradford’s first Cycle Strategy had been produced in 2012 and endorsed by this Committee. Since 2012 there had been a number of changes relating to boosted regional cycling development ambitions (post Tour de France) and corresponding changes in both regional strategic guidance and increases in cycling related funding.


In the light of these changes the partnership behind the original strategy (local cycling community, key cycling charities and the Council) had undertaken to update and improve the Cycle Strategy.


The Committee was asked to consider Document “M” which presented the improved format of the Cycle Strategy and associated Action Plan. Also presented with the report was the proposed structure for future reporting to the Committee.


The Assistant Transport Planner gave a detailed presentation in respect of the report, stressing the significant changes which had taken place around cycling since 2012 and the ongoing efforts of all key stakeholders to increase cycling in the District.


Members were also advised that the strategy reflected the West Yorkshire Transport Plan and that it dovetailed with other plans in Bradford to increase participation in running, swimming and walking and that, therefore the strategy covered cycling in its fullest sense, not just in respect of transport planning.


The Chair commended the report as positive, ambitious and wide ranging and considered both the strategy and the action plan to be excellent. He asked how the Council was responding for the growing demand for cycling and was advised that the Council has moved forward in the past 3-4 years and was now achieving some of the best infrastructure in the Country. There were significant challenges to be faced in terms of finance but the situation was very positive.


Another Member commented that this report represented an excellent improvement on the previous strategy. He also asked about progress on the parts of the Shipley-Leeds canal towpath within the District. He was informed that options were being explored and a clearer picture should be available in the next quarter but that planning for work on the towpath to date had been undertaken on the base of usage. Advice on future work was being sought from the City Connect Programme.


A Member queried how work with schools would progress in order to address issues such as child health. He was advised that work was currently predominantly undertaken with primary schools as training programmes such as “Bikeability” tended to focus on that age group and that statistics were collected in year six. However, Bikeability could also run in secondary schools and officers were looking to do more in this phase of school. The intention was to encourage cycling as a life choice on the basis of usefulness, speed and convenience.


Members concurred that secondary schools needed to be encouraged as much as possible and hoped to see more reporting on this element.


Members also noted that the Cycle Cities event would take place in May 2017 and considered that making the strategy a Council document would encourage employers in the District to participate.


Resolved –


(1)  That all parties involved in the development of the Bradford District Cycling Strategy and Action Plan to date be thanked for their work.


(2)  That a report on progress against the delivery of the Strategy as well as projects within the Action Plan be presented to this Committee in three months.


ACTION: Strategic Director, Regeneration



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