Local democracy

Agenda item


The process of developing Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) as mandated in NHS Planning Guidance for 2016/17 – 2020/21 has been ongoing at a local level in Bradford District and Craven since early January 2016 and also as one of six constituent parts of a wider West Yorkshire and Harrogate STP.


The local STP process includes work between NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS providers, Local Authorities and the Voluntary and Community Sector to identify how the health and wellbeing of the population can be improved and how, care and quality standards can continue to be improved all within the financial resources available in the next 4-5 years.  This work has built on and brought up to date the Five Year Forward View for the Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Economy 2014-19 and is supported by the Better Health - Better Lives priority of the new District Plan.


The Chief Officer Bradford Districts and Bradford City Clinical Commissioning Groups will submit Document “K” which provides an update on the Sustainability and Transformation Planning process for health and social care in Bradford District and Craven, the Clinical Commissioning Groups and health providers in Bradford District and Craven.


Recommended -


(1)       That the update on the Bradford District and Craven and West Yorkshire and Harrogate Sustainability and Transformation Planning processes be noted.


(2)       That the Board suggests ways to contribute to the operational planning process.


(3)       That the board provides feedback on the published draft of the West Yorkshire Sustainability and Transformation Plan as previously circulated and provided as Appendix 1 to Document “K” or through the links.


                                                            (Rebecca Malin – 01274 237290)







The process of developing five year Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) was mandated in NHS Planning Guidance for 2016/17, development started at a local level in Bradford District and Craven in early January 2016. This  local plan forms one of six constituent parts of a wider West Yorkshire and Harrogate STP which is submitted to NHS England.


The local STP development process has included work between NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS providers, Local Authorities and the Voluntary and Community Sector to identify how the health and wellbeing of the population could be improved and how, and care and quality standards could continue to be improved within the financial resources available in the next 4-5 years.  This work had built on and brought up to date the Five Year Forward View for the Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Economy 2014-19 and is also reflected by the Better Health - Better Lives priority of the new District Plan.


The Chief Officer Bradford Districts and Bradford City Clinical Commissioning Groups submitted Document “K” which provided an update on the Sustainability and Transformation Planning process for health and social care in Bradford District and Craven, the Clinical Commissioning Groups and health providers in Bradford District and Craven.


Board Members were informed that:


·        The STP process had been built on the acknowledgment that there would be a significant gap between the available budget for health and social care services in the years to 2020/21 and the current level of spend created by high demand for health and social care services in the Bradford District and Craven.

·        Efficiencies would need to be matched by shifting the emphasis of service provision further towards improving the health and wellbeing of the population – supporting people to become and remain healthy and independent for longer to reduce demand to delay the need for social care services as a result of ill-health.

·        It was not clear when the STPs would be finalised, they were likely to be subject to continued revision to meet annual NHS planning guidance.

·        An overview of the operational plans for providers and commissioners would be considered at the Health and Wellbeing Board’s development session next week.

·        It was acknowledged that there had not been enough public engagement on the STP.

·        As part of the STP planning process an operational plan for each NHS commissioner and provider organisation must be submitted to NHS England by 23 December. In addition we have committed to producing a cross-system operational plan to reflect the ambition for whole system working within the Bradford and Craven health system.



·        Due to the timing of Local Authority budget decisions, assumptions have  had to be made in the operational plans which would be submitted to NHS England in late December about resources which wouldl require revision once the LA budget is agreed in late February.


Members agreed that operating a local control total for the Bradford District and Craven STP would be beneficial(i.e. a total budget for the Bradford and Craven health and care system rather than separate totals for each organisation). NHS England had not yet formally responded to this request. The Board agreed that it needed to write in support to the request to NHS England to agree to this.




(1)       That the update on the Bradford District and Craven and West Yorkshire and Harrogate Sustainability and Transformation Planning processes be noted.


(2)       That the Chair write to NHS England on behalf of the Board to request NHS England to operate a local control total (ie an agreed total NHS budget) for the Bradford District and Craven STP.


Action:          Strategic Director Health and Wellbeing




Supporting documents: