Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director Regeneration (Document “Q”) considers the following petitions relating to traffic matters:


1)    Frizinghall Road, Heaton – Request for traffic calming


2)    Elizabeth Street, Bradford – Request for permit parking


Recommended –


(1)       That the request for traffic calming, Safety Cameras or a one-way system on  Frizinghall Road, Heaton be noted only and no further action be taken.

(2)       That the Elizabeth Street Area remains on the list of requests for traffic measures and be considered by the Bradford West Area Committee when they meet to determine future Traffic Measures Programmes.

(3)       That the petitioners are informed accordingly.

(Environment and Waste Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee)


                                                                        (Andrew Smith – 01274 437645)



Frizinghall Road


The Principal Engineer gave a synopsis of the report.


Following presentation, a question and answer session ensued:

·         The impact of a survey was dependant on the timing it was undertaken during the day. During what time of day was the survey undertaken?

o   The automatic speed survey was undertaken between 26 October and 2 November 2016. In terms of excessive speeds of vehicles; this was during the early morning or later part of the day. During school opening and closing times, the speeds of vehicles would decrease. The petition itself was centred on the theme of safety and the speeds of vehicles;

·         Had speed humps been considered?

o   Yes and there would be no greater difference with the installation of speeds humps;

·         Had vehicle activation signs been considered?

o   There was a criteria for such traffic measures and the Council had a policy that had conditions that were applicable before such measures could be applied; and,

·         What would be the cost for vehicle activated signs?

o   Costs in the region of £3,000-£4,000.


The Chair invited a petitioner who was also a resident to make representations to the Committee. She stated that residents had no alternative but to live with excessive speeds of vehicles on a daily basis. The safety of children was of paramount importance. Young children were using this route for attendance at school and there was significant amount of traffic speeding on the long road and around the bend with no consideration to pedestrians.


Following representations presented by the petitioner, the Committee continued with its questioning, as follows:

·         Were there any school signs on the road?

o   A Member of the Committee responded that there were no signs if coming from Airedale; and,

·         Had a survey been undertaken during term time?

o   Another survey could be commissioned. Traffic measure signs would also be reviewed.


The Chair concluded the item on Frizinghall Road by stating that Ward Councillors, officers from Highways and petitioners meet at the location of concern to discuss measures for the possibility of implementation in the near future.


Elizabeth Street


Following an outline, the Principal Engineer confirmed that local Ward Councillors were supportive of this petition.


The Committee highlighted that the request for Elizabeth Street’s permit parking had been on-going for 6 years. This scheme which had once been a priority and top of the list for works and now lowered in ranking for implementation of works schedule.


The Chair invited a petitioner who was also a resident to make representations to the Committee. The street was heavily congested with excessive vehicle parking from non-residents. There was continuous drug dealing going on in the street. During opening and closing times of school there was excessive speeding of vehicles. Cars were being parked on pavements. The resident and specially elderly residents were unable to find spaces to park own vehicles due to workers of the call centre taking up parking space. The streets immediately surrounding St Luke’s hospital had their parking issues resolved. I have a disabled son and due to congestion of parked vehicles I am unable to drive my son directly outside my house hence having to drop him at the end of the street.


The Committee requested that Highways look at Elizabeth Street in the widest of context.


Resolved –


(1)       That an additional school term-time radar traffic survey be undertaken at Frizinghall Road and, following the analysis of results, officers meet with ward members, the Police and petitioners to discuss options for interventions at this location.


(2)       That the Elizabeth Street Area remains on the list of requests for traffic measures and be considered as a priority by the Bradford West Area Committee when they meet to determine future Traffic Measures Programmes.


(3)       That any scheme selected for Elizabeth Street includes adjacent areas as appropriate.


(4)       That the petitioners be informed accordingly.


OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE: Environment & Waste Management

ACTION:        Strategic Director – Regeneration and Culture


Supporting documents: