Local democracy

Agenda item


Previous reference: Minute 78 (2014/2015)


The Strategic Director of Health and Wellbeing and the Chief Officer of Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) will submit Document “R” which provides an update on the learning disability Transformation Care Programme and incorporates the Joint Improvement Plan for people with disabilities that was being delivered by Adult and Community Services and Health.  The Learning Disability Transformation Care Programme requires the three CCG’s, Local Authority (Children's and Adult Services), NHS England and Bradford District Care Foundation Trust, Airedale Hospital Foundation Trust and Bradford Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust to work in partnership to deliver improved outcomes.


Recommended –


That members support the proposals within Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven’s Learning Disabilities Transforming Care Plan.


(Mairead O’ Donnell – 01274 431517)


Previous reference: Minute 78 (2014/2015)


The Strategic Director of Health and Wellbeing and the Chief Officer of Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) submitted Document “R” which provided an update on the learning disability Transformation Care Programme which incorporated the Joint Improvement Plan for people with disabilities that was being delivered by Adult and Community Services and Health.  The Learning Disability Transformation Care Programme requires the three CCG’s, Local Authority (Children's and Adult Services), NHS England and Bradford District Care Foundation Trust, Airedale Hospital Foundation Trust and Bradford Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust to work in partnership to deliver improved outcomes.


The Joint Commissioning Manager (Learning Disabilities) provided a summary of the report highlighting that there were six inpatient beds commissioned for people with learning disabilities in the area which was below the national requirement.  She outlined the national plan to develop community services and close inpatient facilities for people with a learning disability.  She stated that the Joint Improvement Plan focused on providing better community resources to people with learning disabilities prior to any further reduction in beds.  Meetings with providers were due to take place shortly regarding training and skills of staff required to deliver the agenda.  Members were informed that there were currently 18 people who were receiving  out of area low and/or medium secure services and were case managed via specialised commissioning.


A Member stated that concerns had been raised by the Strategic Disability Partnership over the re-modelling of services and fears of losing specialist health support currently provided at Waddiloves Health Centre for adults with learning disabilities who were unable to access mainstream health services.  The Joint Commissioning Manager assured Members that the Plan was about reviewing what people with learning disabilities needed and to ensure the appropriate services were in place.  She emphasised that this was the start of a three year programme and there were no plans to close Waddiloves Health Centre but the services there would be reviewed.  Due to concerns raised, the Chair requested to be kept informed of plans for Waddiloves Health Centre.


A Member stated that there needed to be a more enabling and active approach taken to involve people with learning disabilities in their local communities.  He also raised concerns of the increasing pressures on the Disabled Facilities Grant and the pressures to adapt homes to allow people to stay with their families.


The Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing reminded Members that the  meeting of the Joint Health and Social Care and Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committees had considered a report on the integrated transition services for young people with disabilities in Bradford and how services were working towards engaging with them much earlier.


A discussion took place about housing support/options for people with learning disabilities and Members were informed that there were strong links between Adult Services and housing officers to develop appropriate housing options.


A Member stated that adequate consultation periods needed to be in place if there were any plans to close services.  She emphasised the need for transparency.


Resolved –


That members support the proposals within the Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Learning Disabilities Transforming Care Plan.



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