Local democracy

Agenda item


The Friends of St Ives group are petitioning the Council to overturn its decision to introduce a charge for car parking at St Ives Country Park, Bingley.  Full Council had referred the matter to Executive for further consideration


The Strategic Director Environment and Sport will submit a report

(Document “AG”) which sets out a response to the petition.


Recommended –


That the Executive reaffirm the previous Full Council decision to

introduce car parking charges at all viable Parks and Green Spaces sites

including St Ives. (As set in Option 1 to Document “AG”).


Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Regeneration & Economy


                                                                                    (Phil Barker - 01274 432616)





The Friends of St Ives Group were petitioning the Council to overturn its decision to introduce a charge for car parking at the St Ives Country Park, Bingley.  Full Council at its meeting held on 18 October 2016 had referred the matter to the Executive for further consideration.


The Strategic Director Environment and Sport submitted a report

(Document “AG”) which set out a response to the petition. 


The Assistant Director Sport and Culture explained that car parking charges had been identified as a source of revenue to offset costs and that they formed part of the Council’s budget proposals for 2016-17 at some parks and woodlands.  In addition many similar public and private countryside parks in the region charged for car parking.  Following the proposal a petition had been received from the Friend of St Ives Group objecting to the introduction of the proposed charges.


The Chair of the Friends of St Ives was present at the meeting and she made the following observations:


·        That it was important to really listen to what people had to say about the proposed charges. 


·        That it had been frustrating to have a meaningful dialogue with the Council as they had failed to respond to the issues that had been raised by the group and the wider community.


·        That the Friends of St Ives appreciated the financial situation facing the Council, however this issue had not been given due consideration.


·        That the proposal to introduce car parking charges would result in a loss of amenity for everyday users of the estate, in particularly the elderly, schools, special needs schools as well as organisations and community groups.


·        That as a group we were not obsessed individuals but deeply cared about St Ives, and that the group received regular phone calls from concerned people worried about the future of St Ives.


·        That St Ives was a wonderful asset to the district, not just a park but a jewel in Bradford’s crown.


·        That a number of events were held at St Ives which were well attended by the public.


·        That the proposal to introduce charging for use of the car park would undo all the good work that had been done to keep St Ives open.


·        That the funds needed to keep the estate open, could be raised in other ways by making better use of the estate, as the car parking charges would raise very little in the way of revenue, but cause considerable harm.


·        That there had to be a better way of managing the estate by working together.


·        That the car parking charges would hinder the relationship that had been built with the Council over the years.


·        That the St Ives Group was pleading with the Council to make an exception  and not impose the charges, as other similar places did not levy a charge.


The Chair of Bingley Town Council was present at the meeting and stated that the Town Council had only recently been established and were not privy to the discussions that had taken place on the proposals, however the Town Council was concerned about the proposals to introduce care parking charges at the St Ives Estate, without having undertaken a comprehensive cost v benefits analysis and how this would impact on the future of the estate. In addition the charges would hinder people from using the estate and the Council would better off looking at raising revenue by making better use of the estate.  That St Ives had been a beauty spot for many years and was a wonderful place to visit, and the imposition of car parking charges would be a penalty to those who use the estate and spoil their enjoyment, and he urged that the Executive reconsiders its proposals.


A Ward Councillor for the area was also present at the meeting and stated that he was disappointed with the report and that officers had failed to engage with the Friends of St Ives Group, and that they had failed to address all the issues.  He urged that the Executive reconsiders its proposals in light of the unprecedented number of objections, and that alternative income generation models should be looked at for the estate, as the majority of the users accessed the estate by car, given the poor transport links. In addition the charges would result in less people using the estate and he suggested that officers work with the friends of group and the estate management in order to come to a more considered decision and solution for the whole estate going forward, as any proposed charges would not have a huge impact on the overall Council budget.


Another Ward Councillor ascertained whether there were any proposals to introduce car parking charges on the adjacent golf course.  In response it was stressed that the land in question was leased by the golf course and that the Council was looking at a potential scheme, but no decision had been made.


In relation to some of the earlier points raised by the objectors, the Assistant Director Sport and Culture acknowledged that his service recognised the value of St Ives and the input from the friends of group and that officers were keen to continue working with all interested parties.  He added that a cost v benefits analysis had been done on the proposed charges and any revenue return would cover the cost of introducing the parking charges and generate a profit.  However the intention was only to impose the charges between the hours of 9am – 5pm and therefore any early or late users of the estate would not be affected.  In respect of the wider estate, officers were always looking at potential income generation opportunities and would continue to do so.


The Environment, Sport and Culture Portfolio Holder stated that she welcomed the contributions that had been made to the debate and invaluable work of the Friends of St Ives, however the proposed car parking charges would assist the estate immensely.


The Leader stated that she had visited St Ives on numerous occasions and that she fully appreciated its significance to the district, however the Council was operating in a difficult financial climate, with a projected £6.0m overspend and particular pressures in Adult Social Care, and that she was confident that the business case for the proposals did stack up, and it was therefore:


Resolved –


That the Executive reaffirms the previous decision to introduce car

parking charges at all viable Parks and Green Spaces sites including St

Ives. (As set in Option 1 to Document “AG”).


ACTION:       Strategic Director Environment & Sport


Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Regeneration & Economy


Supporting documents: