Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Regeneration (Document “M”) considers the following petitions relating to traffic matters:


(1)       Toller Grove, Heaton – Request for traffic calming


(2)       Toller Lane/Leylands Lane Junction, Heaton – Request for a mini roundabout


(3)       Highgate, Heaton – Request for limited waiting except for permit holders


Recommended –


(1)       That no further action be taken on the request to traffic calm Toller Grove, Heaton.

(2)       That a junction survey be carried out at the junction of Toller Lane and Leylands Lane and should it be feasible to introduce a mini roundabout this request be considered, along with other outstanding requests, by this committee when they next meet to resolve future scheme programmes.

(3)       That no action be taken to introduce limited waiting except for permit holders outside 24-40 Highgate, Heaton.

(4)       That the petitioners are informed accordingly.

(Environment and Waste Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee)


(Andrew Smith – 01274 434674)


The Strategic Director, Regeneration, presented a report (Document “M”) which considered petitions relating to traffic matters at Toller Grove, Heaton; Toller Lane/Leylands Lane Junction and Highgate, Heaton.


Toller Grove, Heaton – request for traffic calming


In relation to the request for traffic calming at Toller Grove, Members were advised that the petition containing 26 signatories, expressed concern that some vehicles were travelling at excessive speed on Toller Grove especially along the section leading to Leylands Avenue. The petitioners were requesting low impact speed bumps to reduce the speed of those vehicles.


In response it was explained that Toller Grove was a relatively steep residential road. All the properties had off street parking however some on-street parking did take place throughout the day.  An automatic speed survey had been undertaken from the 14 September until the 19 September 2016. The results of the survey were detailed in Document “M” and revealed that the average speeds were low.  As a consequence of the survey results it was felt that traffic calming could not be justified and would achieve very little. 


Road safety in the area was questioned and it was reported that there had been one road injury in the last five years.  The accident had occurred during icy conditions and was not attributed to the road layout.  The incident of only one accident was questioned and Members advised that the statistic had arisen from police records and it could be possible that other incidents may not have been reported to the police.


Toller Lane/Leylands Lane Junction, Heaton – Request for a mini roundabout

It was explained that the petitioners (36 signatures) were requesting that the Council makes the junction of Toller Lane and Leylands Lane safer for pedestrians and motorists. They had suggested that a mini roundabout is provided at the junction.

Members were advised that the introduction of a mini roundabout at the junction would help to formalise turning movements, give vehicles turning right into Leylands Lane priority over on-coming traffic and help to make drivers more aware of the junction and the road environment around them. It could, however, where there was a large volume of right turning traffic into the side road, result in long delays on the main carriageway. That could be particularly significant at peak periods when currently vehicles queued through the junction. It was therefore recommended that a junction survey was carried out to determine if a mini roundabout would be feasible.

It was also clarified that to put in a mini roundabout would also require a Traffic Regulation Order to close part of Duchy Drive. The estimated cost of a scheme would be £20,000; which would need to be found from the Bradford West Safer Roads Budget. That budget was fully committed for the current financial year.

Road safety in the area was questioned and it was reported that nine collisions had occurred.  Members raised concerns that a pedestrian island in that area was disregarded and that drivers would not observe a mini roundabout.  In response it was clarified that although the petition was requesting a mini roundabout, it would be officers who would determine the best action at the location and make recommendations on that basis.

A local resident addressed the meeting and reported in detail the difficulties experienced by drivers because of the road configuration; the location of traffic measures and volume and direction of traffic in the Toller Lane/Leylands Lane area.  It was maintained that a mini roundabout would be an effective form of traffic management, would regulate traffic flow and be fair to all users as vehicles would flow in one direction.

Highgate, Heaton – request for limited waiting except for permit holders


A petition containing 25 signatures, expressed concern about on street parking taking place to the front of 24 – 40 Highgate and requested that the area be made limited waiting except for permit holders.

It was reported that the petition was first put together in 2014 but was not submitted. The initial request was for permit parking however at the time the situation was temporarily improved by St. Bede’s School providing extra car parking space for staff within the school grounds. The petitioners were now concerned that the situation was deteriorating and had submitted the petition.

The Council Policy on the provision of permit parking schemes which contained strict criteria on the amount of parking and its duration was presented in appendix 3 to Document “M”.

Members were informed that the criteria must be met before a scheme could be considered.  In general residential streets that did not have any land use which attracted parking from outside of the area for long periods of time everyday would not meet the criteria.  It was confirmed that the area had been inspected and, at that time of that visit, there were parking spaces available.  The impact on customers of local shops should a permit scheme be introduced was discussed.

A local resident reported that staff from the school were continuing to park in the location for the whole of the day and residents and local businesses were suffering because of the lack of available parking.  

It response it was confirmed that the area had been inspected and, at that time of that visit, there were parking spaces available.  The impact on customers of local shops should a permit scheme be introduced was discussed and it was agreed that a more detailed assessment of the situation was required to understand the issues in that location and the potential effect of any measures taken to alleviate the concerns of residents.

Resolved –


(1)       That no further action be taken on the request to traffic calm Toller Grove, Heaton.

(2)       That a junction survey be carried out at the junction of Toller Lane and Leylands Lane and should it be feasible to introduce a mini roundabout this request be considered, along with other outstanding requests, by this committee when they next meet to resolve future scheme programmes.

(3)       That the Strategic Director, Regeneration, be requested to undertake a detailed survey to determine if the introduction of permit parking at 24-40 Highgate, Heaton, would meet the criteria for permit parking and, if appropriate, the location be added to the list of future schemes for consideration.

(4)       That the petitioners are informed accordingly.

Overview and Scrutiny Area: Environment and Waste Management

Action: Strategic Director, Regeneration



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