Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director Children’s Services will submit a report (Document

“Q”) which provides an update to the report presented to the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 8th October 2015 and subsequently to the District’s Area Committees regarding the issue of child sexual exploitation (CSE). It sets out the arrangements that have been put in place, and which continue to develop, to safeguard children from CSE.


Recommended –


(1)       The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee is invited to note       the contents of this report.


(2)       A further report be presented in 12 months.


                                                                                    (Jenny Cryer – 01274 432438)




The Strategic Director Children’s Services submitted a report (Document “Q”) which provided an update to the report presented to the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 8th October 2015 and subsequently to the district’s Area Committees regarding the issue of child sexual exploitation (CSE). It set out the arrangements that had been put in place, and which continue to develop, to safeguard children from CSE.


The Strategic Director was accompanied by the Assistant Director Performance, Commissioning and Partnership, an intelligence officer working for the Safeguarding Hub and a Detective Superintendent from West Yorkshire Police to give an overview and respond to Members questions.


The Strategic Director stated that this was the third programmed report on CSE detailing the partnership arrangements in place and how we were dealing with the issue across the piece, stressing the positive work and progress made, he stressed that there was no room for complacency given the seriousness of the crime.


The Assistant Director gave an overview of the national context to CSE and that at a local level the 9 strategic objectives had now been updated.  She alluded to the Member training that was now mandatory as well as work done with the night time economy and the taxi trade to raise awareness and encourage reporting of CSE.  The headline figure of a rise in the number of CSE cases in the district was alluded to and the Assistant Director stressed that this was primarily down to the confidence in reporting the issue.  It was pointed out that CSE remained an area of challenge, however Partnership working was crucial in tackling the issue going forward.


The representative from West Yorkshire Police echoed the sentiments expressed and stated that we were in a better position than before in dealing with CSE and that the CSE live investigation team was now embedded into the work of the Hub which would give it more impetus.  The innovative work of the Hub had been recognised and commended at a national level.


During the discussion, the Chair stated that the reporting of CSE cases had shown an increase of 65%, and he ascertained if there were many cases of people not reporting CSE.  In response the Police representative acknowledged that although there was a percentage of underreporting, the profile of CSE had been raised and information on how to better report the issue to Crimestoppers  and the Police as well as other options were being explored and was showing dividend; and to this end engagement work with the wider community and the awareness raising work in Keighley was highlighted.


In relation to a question on work that had been with the new emerging communities on CSE,  the Police representative confirmed that a piece of work was being undertaken on how we interacted with different communities, however it important to stress that any incidents of CSE would be investigated as a matter of course.


A Member raised concerns regarding the incidence of CSE and Looked After Children and what specific work was being done with this group.  In response the Assistant Director stated that some children were in care due to CSE, however no specific targeted work had taken place with this group, however all measures would be put in place to support these children. 


The Member also stressed that more focus work should be undertaken with children with poor school attendance and those on a managed moved, as they were low level indicators of risk.  The Strategic Director acknowledged that the Education Safeguarding Hub was already looking at issues around attendance and behaviour.


A Member stated that he had some concerns regarding the new communities that had settled in the district and he suggested that work should be done with these communities in understanding and tackling certain cultural norms.


In response to a question regarding victim evidence and successful prosecutions, the Police representative stated that a prosecution could go ahead without the victim being present, however this would be dependent on the strength of the evidence and a decision would be taken in conjunction with the Crown Prosecution Service on how to proceed in such cases.


The Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder stated that in terms of new communities, a number of cases had been identified where neglect was a prominent feature and mechanisms were being put in place to address this.


In response to a question regarding resources, the Strategic Director acknowledged that the Police had put significant resources in to tackling CSE and that there was now better integration, awareness and understanding of the issue.


In relation to a question regarding Looked After Children and the number of CSE cases, the Strategic Director stressed that the Council had a duty to protect all children and that all children in care had a care plan in place and that most of these children progressed well in the system.  A Member suggested that the Corporate Parenting Panel should look in to the number of children placed into the care system in Bradford from outside of the district, to get an surety of the numbers and look at pertinent issues.


Resolved –


(1)       That the contents of the report be noted.


(2)       That a further report be presented in 12 months, however if there          are any emerging issues and the Chair considers it necessary that     an earlier report be presented to this Committee.


(3)       That the Corporate Parenting Panel looks into the number of      children being placed in care in Bradford from outside of the district and any emerging issues.


ACTION:       Strategic Director Children’s Services / City Solicitor                                   (Resolution 3 referral to Corporate Parenting Panel)


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